DRAFT Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Executive Committee

Via Conference Call  March 21, 2008



Robert Burns

Susan Cook

Steve Dreier

Larry Geis

John Hales

John Hay

Michelle Klimesh

Thomas Orjala

Buck Weimer


Also in attendance:

David Kantor

Paula Thompson



Linda Buselli

Lenny Cowles

Gary Deinstadt

Doreen Heyne

John Lange


President Burns called the meeting to order at 5:00 PST. Thomas Orjala opened the meeting with a prayer.


Agenda:  2008 IT Budget Overage


Robert reviewed the information from the officers meetings concerning budget overages. Robert has instructed Paula to give us monthly budget reports so we can better avoid overages in the future.


Steve reported on the details of the IT budget overage: The budget for Alan Goodman’s work was $5000.  An additional $6960 has been incurred to date. Another $8000 may be  needed to complete phase one of the database project that Alan is developing for us.  We know that no one is authorized to approve budget overages except for the executive committee. Since we have already invested nearly $28,000 into this project, the officers recommendation is for the executive committee to approve the additional $8000 to bring this database phase to completion.


David Kantor reviewed the email that he sent out today to explain where the project is right now and what phases two and three may entail.


Alan is working with data that was transferred six months ago; meanwhile, Paula has been updating data in the old database. This means that the longer we wait to launch the new database, the more obsolete data we’ll have to integrate into the database.


Discussion ensued.


David suggested that he take the $6960 that has already been spent from other parts of his budget.


A suggestion was made that other committee chairs should look at their budgets and try to come up with money to cover the amount needed not to exceed $8000 needed to complete phase one.


We cannot take a formal vote because we weren’t given ten days advance notice for this meeting. 


Straw vote: to approve the budget overage already expended of $6960 that we have already encumbered for the database project. Yes 8, 0 no, 1 abstaining. We will take an official vote on this issue during our next meeting.


Linda Buselli and Doreen Heyne joined the meeting at 7pm.


Straw vote: if we can come up with the amount not to exceed $8,000 from other parts of the budget, we will move forward with the completion of phase one. 9 yes, 0 no, 2 abstaining. We will take an official vote on this issue at our next meeting.


Our next meeting will be held on April 14 at 4:45pm.

Meeting adjourned at 6:20pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Michelle Klimesh
