Fellowship Admin
Notes Related to IT work for Executive Committee
April 2007
The progress of revelation dissemination in our world is largely limited by the availability of resources which can be brought to bear on the task. The more resources--people and financing--brought to bear, the faster will be the penetration of The Urantia Book's insights into global religious cultures.
The Fellowship is evolving supportive infrastructure for this project. We have extremely limited resources, given the magnitude of the task. We cannot afford to waste any of those resources. At the same time the planetary situation creates a degree of urgency. Gains must be stabilized before new projects are undertaken. Rates of growth need to be managed.
We must exploit opportunities that appear in the process of doing our work. What will happen as the revelation becomes more widely known? What sort of support may be needed to stimulate and sustain growth? Over-rapid growth is suicidal. Overly conservative decision making will result in mediocrity. Our challenge is to chart a course which optimizes the return on our investment of our limited resources.
Website Architecture, Design, and Navigation
Needed for progress:
Good analysis of website visitor needs and issues;
User survey.
Reader survey.
Search engine manipulation;
Optimization of page sequences.
Development of keyword lists.
Code conversion of existing documents.
Integration with history archive.
Administrative procedures for archiving current documents;
Which documents?
How do they get sent to the database? By whom?
Creation of document categories--public, members only, admin only, private,
etc.--along with subsequent classification of existing website documents and
coding of website access to assure the integrity of this segmentation model.
Better documentation of organizational workflow.
Better management of conference presentations so that web equivalents of
effective workshops and plenaries can be made available to a much wider
Currently in development:
Audio streaming.
Video archive.
Video streaming.
Audio and video podcasting.
Fellowship event calendar.
Content management system.
Preparation of documents for print-on-demand applications.
Ongoing tasks:
Server and network maintenance.
Backups and data integrity assurance.
Software upgrades.
Reader user support services.
Technology migration.
of system documentation.
Optimization of website for access by persons with
Continuing Consolidation of Organizational Data
Society use of
database, credit card processing for local events?
Society updating of
local reader address information?
Data access policy -- need to upgrade old mailing list policy;
Who has access
to what information? Data can be restricted down to the level of specific
Decisions need to be made about what information we want to collect and store --minutes, contracts, etc.;
information should be archived?
Contribution records?
Organizational service information?
Conference attendance history?
Conference registration forms?
Procedures should be developed so that archived Fellowship data may be integrated with the work of the newly formed Urantia Historical Society.
Decisions need to be made about what information is readily available for
administrative users as opposed to information that is more deeply buried in
Mailing Labels: Present policy is for labels to be provided by the office but
increasing access to online reader information may enable local creation of
mailing labels--policy should be reviewed and appropriate steps taken to
implement this policy on a technical level.
Provide restricted online spreadsheet access to committee financial records?
This can be integrated with Quickbooks so that committee chairs always know
their balances. In addition, other EC members could easily review any
committee expenditures.
Development of Organizational Data Services
Sales of other products? Historical Society, Mark Kulieke, Saskia, etc.
Event registrations.
Need to review and approve terms and conditions of use.
Need more product copy.
Additionally, the webstore software provides the means for:
Processing of Coupon codes.
Easy integration with
Quickbooks database.
Special discounts.
Gift certificates.
Registration of users with auto-population of order forms on subsequent visits.
Ability to provide
members-only pricing and members-only pages.
Live online chat with a customer support
Members only pages,
promotions, and special prices
Special promotions (such as holiday gift
Email promotions.
Solicit contributions whenever a product is sold.
Ability to let customers create product
Solicit a contribution whenever a product is ordered.
Ability to set up an affiliate program which encourages other webmasters to link
to our store.
Special password-protected pages can be created for commercial orders and/or use by retailers.
Sell event registrations and manage event-related inventory such as the number of seats. available on a bus, the number of available rooms with private bath, etc.
Software applications for remote users installed on server along with data archiving and email list management.
Data access for related organizations.
In all of these areas, we can proceed slowly using existing staff, or we can speed up development by applying more resources. A number of the services we provide involve the use of discrete software programs, such as Quickbooks. Just as we have Paula who is intimately familiar with the Quickbooks program and hence is able to maximize its value to The Fellowship, we could benefit greatly if we could find other individuals who would take on in-depth learning of specific software programs and manage them for The Fellowship. I am planning an IT exhibit for IC08 which I hope will inform, excite, and lead to competent volunteers to help on an ongoing basis. Discrete software programs needing committed persons:
Website visitor statistical analysis and search engine optimization.
Server and network maintenance and management.
Website interface to organizational data.
Website search software.
Audio and Video processing.
Podcasting and programming for handheld wireless devices.
Website graphics and navigation design and development.
Development of print-on-demand resources.
Foreign language translations of key study aids and reader resources.
In addition, competent,
technically informed administrative coordination of all these efforts will be
essential for long-term planning, to assure economical use of resources, and to
make sure that all efforts proceed in an integrated manner.
All of these processes are
currently in various states of development, but their full potentials are far
from being realized due to lack of resources. New services continue to be
added with no expansion of technical staff. We've gained a temporary advantage
for this year with my leaving the IFC chair, but the problem remains and will
likely become acute in another year or so. By "acute" I mean that
temporary breakdowns in service and localized situations of data loss will
occur with increasing frequency. We are at present fairly well protected
against a major disaster on a technical level. That is, our data is well
backed up and archived. But we continue to increase the number of hardware and
software applications that process that data and present it for use.
By far the greatest danger to
The Fellowship is having only one person who is intimately familiar with the
details of all these processes upon which the organization is becoming
increasingly dependent.
This is a very serious situation and should have the immediate attention of the
Executive Committee leading to meaningful action and the implementation of a
long-term strategy for IT management. The real issues in this matter have been
neglected for far too long and should have high priority.
In the continuing adventure,
David Kantor