April 2, 2000
Dear friends,
Just an update on the negotiations for the meeting between UF andFellowship representatives. Georges note forwarded below is a responseto my letter to Richard regarding our opinion that UF has not beennegotiating in good faith (Feb. 24th, sent to you already). Georgesreply is toned down, and the EC felt that the Fellowship must be willingto attend Georges meeting, while still requiring a meeting with the fiveTrustees, in order to continue negotiating in good faith. However, wedecided to change the members of our team and reserve both our presidentand webmaster for a full meeting with the trustees.
Steve, as VP, has been handling all subsequent communications on behalfof the Fellowship. His two letters regarding the upcoming meeting(April 8-9th in Chicago) will be forwarded after this post. You will seethat we have tied our attendance to the April meeting to a requirementof a second meeting with the Trustees. If we attend their proposedmeeting, the trustees will have an obligation to attend our proposedmeeting.
We will provide a report on this meeting and the April 14-15 EC meetingonce both meetings are concluded.
This is a challenging and exciting time for our organization. It feelsas if we are poised on the brink of a new service era for therevelation, which will require as much maturity and visionary thinkingas we can muster, together.
In addition to the issues between the UF and the Fellowship, we mustconsider the implications of the 2006 international copyrightexpiration, the issues related to Matthew's source material research,and the need for the Fellowship to seriously upstep our administrativeresponse to the growing international community. These diverse anddemanding challenges for our organization will occupy us for theforeseeable future. I will keep you informed, and will help frame theseissues for our summer discussion.
Please continue to recommend and encourage candidates for the council.We need willing and committed believers to help us prepare for thefuture.
Hope you are all well.
With loving regards,Janet----------------------------------------------------------
Dear Janet:Richard has asked me to respond to your letter of February 24, 2000. I assure you, the decision to assign this matter to a committee does not in any way reflect a lack of commitment on the part of the Urantia Foundation to the process of good faith communications with the Fellowship. As I have preciously explained, the Foundation has appointed a committee to represent it in negotiations with the Fellowship regarding copyright and trademark issues. I am the chairman of that committee. Please direct all
communications regarding copyright and trademark issues to me. We would like to go forward with a face-to-face meeting. I normally travel to the United States once a month. As you may know, the Urantia Foundation has scheduled a number of activities in March as part of its 50th Anniversary Celebration. At this time, it may not be feasible to hope for a meeting that weekend. We would like, however, to meet as soon as possible, and, if that weekend works particularly well for you, we shall try to accommodate you. We could meet on Sunday afternoon, March 19. If that does not work, we could meet on April 9-10. Please let me know when you would like to meet. If you want to try to get together this month, please let me know as soon as possible.In my prior letters, I have listed the infringements on the Fellowship's Web site. Your letter to Richard indicates that you regard this as an attempt on my part to change the parameters of standing agreements between the two organizations. The infringements listed in my letters reflect the position of the Urantia Foundation, not my personal opinions. The agreements between the two organizations should be discussed and clarified in our meeting. In the meantime, we felt it was important to provide you with a formal statement of our objection to these infringements. We are most willing to listen to your views, and, to the extent possible--consistent with the obligations of the Urantia Foundation under its Declaration of Trust--we look forward to exploring ways to resolve
these problems informally and in a way that will promote good will and good relations with the Fellowship.We have many serious issues to discuss. If you would like to try to meet this month or next, please let me know by March 7. If we are going to pursue informal resolution of these matters, we need to move ahead.Sincerely,Georges Michelson-Dupont
Vice-President URANTIA Foundation
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