From Urantia Foundation's website, January 26, 2000


You may reproduce, free of charge, on your Internet Web site, the entire copyrighted inviolate text of The Urantia Book from Urantia Foundation's Web site, http: / / www., provided that:
1. When you reproduce the text on your Internet Web site, you agree not to charge money to permit others to view the licensed reproduction of the text;

2. The reproduced text displayed on your Web site must keep the text inviolate. You may not include any quotes from The Urantia Book or its authorized translations that are revised, altered, or amended; and

3. The following notice pops up prior to the appearance of the reproduced text of The Urantia Book:
You are about to view the inviolate text of The Urantia Book, © 1955 Urantia Foundation, 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, Illinois 60614; +1-773-525-3319; ; all rights reserved. You may freely print and/or download this text for your own personal use, but any other uses, including distribution or sale, must be permitted by copyright law or by Urantia Foundation policies. By printing or downloading this inviolate text, you also agree not to revise, alter, or amend any portion of the inviolate text of The Urantia Book that is printed or downloaded.
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This is the entire and complete Web site licensing agreement. This license is limited to the inviolate English text version of The Urantia Book, and does not carry with it any license to reproduce any translation(s).

Please contact Urantia Foundation if you are interested in reproducing The Urantia Book on your Web site. Phone: +1-773-525-3319 or email: