E. L. Christensen
July 21, 1972

Last year I was able to report to you my many visits to societies and study groups, and this year was no exception. Since our Council Meeting last year I have made two visits and my time at home has been full and busy.

In early November, 1971, I had the pleasure of accompanying Mr. and Mrs. William Hales on a drive to the New York area. On November 6, a Saturday, we attended a meeting of the Darien, Connecticut Study Group held at the lovely home of Mrs. Helena Wall on Long Island Sound. This was an all-day session and we met many interested readers and wonderful people—as we always do when we visit Urantia societies or study groups. Mrs. Wall has done an admirable job of providing a nucleus to which other readers and seekers would be drawn. She has graciously provided her house for, and contributed her time generously to, the spread of the Urantia teachings.

Our November trip was followed up with a much anticipated visit from Mr. Joel Rehnstrom of Helsinki, Finland, who was our house guest during the Christmas holidays. He spent four interesting days in our home followed by a reception given in his honor by the Trustees of the Urantia Foundation.

Mr. Rehnstrom has interested many people in Finland in The Urantia Book and holds large classes regularly. He, with other members of his group, is cooperating with the Urantia Foundation in translating The Urantia Book into the Finnish language. This is a willing group and at the time he was in Chicago had made excellent progress, having completed the translation of Part I.

Mr. Rehnstrom is a very pleasant gentleman. All enjoyed meeting this man with whom we've been corresponding for several years.

My next happy visit was that of Berkeley Elliott, our energetic and tireless Field Representative from Oklahoma City, during the last few days of April. We spent two days talking over Urantia matters, and in general had a delightful time which was all too short.

We reciprocated on June 10, with a visit to Oklahoma City, when Martin and I flew down to attend an open meeting, or open forum of First Urantia Society of Oklahoma and neighboring study groups. People gathered there from many states, including Kansas, Colorado, Texas, and Illinois.

The meeting was presided over by the President, Delos Cook. Their program was based on Jerusem and the Mansion Worlds with each leader discussing one of the seven Mansion spheres. Many younger, newer members participated though Helen Butler began with a well presented general overview and Clyde Goodman finished with an adept and rousing summation and closing. Their efforts were rewarded with a very large and eager attendance.

Our work in Chicago has been growing and continues to be demanding of time, energy, and dedication. The mail is very heavy and the visitors increasingly appear from all parts of the country. There are no dull moments. We could not carry on here without the unselfish work of the dedicated and devoted members such as Edith Cook, Anna Rawson, Marian Rowley, and Leone Sadler. These four have been here since the inception of the Brotherhood. We have been fortunate this past year to have had the addition of Carleta Wensel, who helps with stenographic work, and the part time help of Helen Carlson who helps with shipping books, and of Linda Buselli who helps with many jobs on a volunteer bases. Herman Schell and Bernard Burton both willingly pitched in with time and paint to help refurbish the building. We have been fortunate to have other, younger people appear, willing to do odd jobs such as cleaning, scrubbing, and wrapping books for shipping. Many give their time free, and others do so at a ridiculously low salary. We all are most grateful to these wonderful people and hope that you will appreciate them too.

Our President, Alvin Kulieke, somehow finds time from a busy—even hectic—life as a father, husband, High School Principal, Administrator, and Leader to give us counsel and assistance as we try to grow wisely and surely.

For those of us here at headquarters life is busy but challenging and interesting. We would not have it otherwise.

We invite you all to visit headquarters whenever you are in or near Chicago. It is always a joy to entertain Urantians.

(signed) E. L. Christensen