Since the last report of this committee to the Assembly in 1970, the Executive Committee approved the recommendation of the Charter Committee and a charter was given to the First Urantia Society of Houston on January
Assisting at the installation were Miss E.L. Christensen, Mr Martin Myers, Mr William Hales and Mrs Hales. Eleven Founders and nine charter members signed their membership book on this very happy occasion.
The above mentioned members of the First Urantia Society also had the pleasure of visiting a study group in Darien, Conn. last year. This fine group has been meeting for some time under the leadership and inspiration of Helena Wall, and we hope that some day they will wish to become a society.
There are also several other groups in the eastern states who may, under the guidance of our Field Representative, join the Urantia Brotherhood and become dedicated societies working for the dissemination of the Urantia teachings in a more organized way.
Several inquiries have been received from groups who thought they might be ready for a charter, but after further correspondence realized that they could not meet all of the requirements as yet. Many well-meaning individuals who would found a Society, do not realize the responsibilities, the guidance and leadership necessary, and the real dedication needed to keep a society moving forward. It is one of the duties of your Charter Committee to make these good people aware of these very necessary requirements and to encourage them or discourage them, as the case may be.
The Urantia Brotherhood organization will only be as strong as its Societies, therefore it is most important to have intelligent, dynamic and spiritually dedicated leadership and members in each society.
Many of you, I'm sure, met Mr Johl Rhenstrom. He is leader of a group in Helsinki, Finland who have are studying the Book and who hope sometime in the future to form a Society.
Mary Lou and Bill Hales had the great pleasure of meeting Mr and Mrs Begemann in Amsterdam, Netherlands last fall. through, the courtesy of Jim Mills, who wrote his friends, we enjoyed a luncheon and some lively conversation with these two delightful people. Mr Begemann has a few friends who meet with him to read the book and hopes to enlarge the group gradually.
Recently an application for Charter was received from Barbeton, Ohio. The first Packet of information has been sent and we are awaiting word from them before further information is sent, so possibly we will have a new Society to report to you at the next Assembly.
Mary L. Hales, Chairman