1975 Triennial Report of the Secretary
Anna Rawson

The Secretary's duties have remained about the same throughout the past three years - sending out notices of meetings., recording minutes, keeping up routine correspondence, with perhaps an increase in volume as URANTIA has become a more familiar word throughout our land. Yes, the duties have been repetitive, but the "fringe benefits" have been increased tremendously - these ever-intriguing and challenging opportunities of making new contacts for Urantia over the telephone, by letter, or, best of all, by personal encounters. For, as we have all discovered the truth of URANTIA makes its appeal to the individual -it is best disseminated by a person-to-person method just as was Jesus' gospel originally. And I shall always be humbly grateful for my opportunity as Secretary of being located here at headquarters where I have been able in a small way to acquaint truth-seeking individuals with more information about this supernal URANTIA revelation.

Anna Rawson

Secretary, URANTIA Brotherhood