Since June, 1976, the last Triennial meeting, we have installed two new societies, always happy occasions for us and, we hope, for them.
May 12, 1979, members of the Charter Committee traveled to Farmington, Connecticut, to install the 19 founders and charter members of Helena Sprague's study group. This 13th society is known as the URANTIA Society of Central Connecticut. Charles Arcieri is their president.
June 16, 1979, four members of the Charter Committee again traveled, west this time, to Dallas, Texas, to conduct the installation ceremony for 12 founders and 7 charter members. Gene Joyce is president of this 14th group known as the URANTIA Society of Dallas.
We were sorry that the installations of the last two societies were delayed due to the need for a new Licensing Agreement applying to all new societies, but now we warmly welcome our two new societies and look forward to many years of happy association with all of these sincerely enthusiastic, loyal members of URANTIA Brotherhood.
I'm happy to announce that the Boulder/Denver study group has applied for a charter and are now in the process of meeting the requirements. We look forward to installing this fine group in the near future.
Other business coming before our Committee included:
1. A motion was made, seconded, and carried that the name of the Ft. Wayne society be changed from "First URANTIA Society of Ft. Wayne, Indiana" to "Fort Wayne URANTIA Society." This was the wish of the society.
2. The formal chartering date of a society shall be the same as the date of installation of a society, and will be the date on the charter.
3. A new Standards of Admission of URANTIA Societies is now before the Executive Committee for approval after an opinion by the Judicial Committee. After adoption, each group applying for a charter must meet these requirements.
Respectfully submitted, Mary Lou Hales, Chairman Charter Committee MLH:jm