The Publications Committee set its goals for 1980 at our January 20 meeting. We set goals in each of the areas in which we work, so the following report of progress on our goals serves as a report of all of our committee work, listed in order of the priorities we set.
URANTIA Brotherhood Bulletin. (1) Publish a special 25th anniversary issue- -accomplished by the winter/spring issue of 1980. (2) Maintain the current quarterly schedule and format cost effectively accomplished to date. The mailing list is now over 2600. The Bulletin continues to receive positive response and costs have been kept to 25c per copy. We once again have some services provided at no cost to the Brotherhood. Writing is of course volunteer, and photographs have been donated free of charge; in addition, typesetting, layout, and post-up are done free of charge and we receive half-price rates on half-tones for our photographs thanks to URANTIA Book readers who have been able to obtain these services.
2. Slide-tape History of the URANTIA Movement. We voted at our November 1979 meeting to ask the Executive Committee for approval to work on the project, which was granted with the understanding that the slide-tape itself would be submitted for approval. The first "draft" of the slide tape was shown to the Executive Committee in April, and some feedback was supplied at that time. Extensive further feedback was given at the May meeting and a revised version of the 40 minute slide-tape was shown at the July meeting. Final text editing is underway, and if the Executive Committee approves it, the slide-tape will be shown at the Domestic Extension Committee Workshop August 8.
Cooperation and Coordination Among URANTIA Publications. In December we received a request from URANTIA Foundation for our response to a letter they planned to send to editors of URANTIA movement publications; we responded with some recommendations and one of our goals for the year is to continue this liaison with URANTIA Foundation. Carolyn Kendall compiled some excerpts from the policies we presented at the Fraternal Relations Workshop last summer; we plan to continue work on policies and procedures.
Translation of Brotherhood Publications. In 1979 we did some preliminary work concerning French translation of the Bulletin and Journal . We elected to suspend this work for the time being and look first at pamphlets and form letters which may need translating. An inventory has been made and decisions about translating will be made at upcoming meetings. We will continue with work on French and Spanish editions of the Bulletin and Journal.
5. Scrapbooks for Headquarters. To make further use of photographs and material we receive for the Bulletin, we would like to coordinate with Domestic Extension and International Fellowship in making some of these materials available for viewing by visitors to headquarters.
6. 1981 Conference Papers. We are coordinating with the conference committees about any papers which may be published.
I would like to thank the members of my committee--Lisa Carr Renn, Nancy Grimsley, Mark Kulieke, Mike Painter, and Lillian Wallin for their work and especially for their many fine ideas. We welcome suggestions from all of you.
Barbara Kulieke, Chairman
Publications Committee