Carolyn Kendall

The Fraternal Relations Committee is continuing to study the relationship of URANTIA Book readers with other religionists. We have agreed that one of our purposes is to foster the education of readers about world religions. Another purpose is to study ways of enhancing relationships of URANTIA Book readers as individuals, and as groups, to other religionists as individual believers, and as groups. These purposes are being carried out in several ways:

1. We are encouraging readers to pursue the study of world religions through academic study and first-hand association.

We are seeking out persons in our movement who have experience with various religions, and invite them to share their knowledge at workshops and conferences.

We are "bringing" the wisdom of the leaders of world religions via tape and film to workshop audiences.

4 We are seeking the advice of persons in the movement who have experience in interfacing with other religionists; in mainstreaming URANTIA Book concepts; and in outreach activities with organized religions.

5. We are culling from The URANTIA Book the guiding principles on how to relate to religionists in present-day reality situations.

Our 1982 workshop program reflects all aspects of the foregoing plan and purposes:

A 30-minute slide-tape of excerpts from interviews with, and lectures of, leading religionists. A follow-up session will explore further the thought of these and other leaders. We will be looking at the vitality that impels their religions. Bettina Gray and Vern Grimsley will lead this session.

2. Jim McNelly is presenting a study of sects and cults that have, as the basis of faith, the phenomenon known as auto-revelation.

3. Philip Rolnick is reviewing the advanced truth concepts to be found in current-day Judaism.

4. A study of Mainline Protestant Christianity, including trends guiding its future development, is being presented by Sally and David Schlundt.

We welcome ideas from all of you on how the committee can best facilitate its programs*

Carolyn B. Kendall, Chairman