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Carolyn Kendall
July 20, 1984

Here is a list of projects and activities which have engaged my attention since last July 2:

1) Publicity Statement. The compilation of material for the paper, "The Dissemination of The Urantia Book and Statement on Publicity" was completed, and a 4-page abridged version was distributed to the mailing list in October 1983. The 25-page full statement was sent to General Councilors, Urantia Societies, field representatives, and other interested individuals soon after. The ideas and expressions of nearly 50 persons were incorporated into the statement. Its purpose is not to proscribe the spreading of the book, but rather to suggest the many ways in which the book and its teachings can wisely be shared individually and to the world at this time. Gloriann Harris, Scott Forsythe, and Michael Painter provided invaluable assistance in the final editing process.

2) Revision of Dust Jacket. The suggested revisions of the dust jacket of The Urantia Book was completed and forwarded to Urantia Foundation November 17, 1983. A resolution adopted by the 1982 Triennial Delegate Assembly, accepted by the General Council which then referred it to the Executive Committee, asked that the jacket be revised to better

". . . convey the spiritual message of the heavenly Father's love for his earthly children with which The Urantia Book is primarily concerned."

An ad hoc committee began the review of the jacket in September 1982, but the work of finalizing the design and text selection was completed by Barbara Kulieke, Mo Siegel, and myself. Other considerations in redesigning the jacket were to depict the broad scope of the revelation; to downplay the phenomena of the transmission of the papers--the seemingly esoteric emphasis of the present jacket; and to change the typeface of the textual selections back to the classical Times Roman style of the book itself. Urantia Foundation has communicated the information that they will be unable to effect any changes in the dust jacket in time for the 8th printing.

3) 1984 General Conference. The General Conference will be held at American Baptist Assembly, Green Lake, Wisconsin, August 12-17. The Planning Committee, consisting of midwest Urantia Society representatives: David Kulieke, Gloriann Harris, Michael Painter, and Lillian Nicholas; Special Projects Chairman, Charles Burton; Education Committee Chairman, Lynne Kulieke and John Hales, Brotherhood President (I am coordinator), have planned a diverse program which should excite the enthusiasm of attendees. The many segments are being coordinated by departmental committees and Urantia Societies. All programs will align with the conference theme: "Reaching Out: Studying, Living, and Sharing the Teachings." Special should go to June Moritz, secretary at the brotherhood offices for her tireless work in overseeing the details of conference expediting.

4) Bulletin Newsletter . In an effort to get the Urantia Brotherhood Bulletin Newsletter out in a timely manner, the officers undertook the writing of the text of the news portion of the Bulletin in early Winter 1984. I have written the first draft and the polishing has been completed by the officers and Barbara Kulieke. A publishing schedule for the news will be established: October, February, and June. The Publications Committee will continue to prepare the features and will add their material to the news portion at the mailing deadline.

5) Travel. During 1983-4 I have represented the Brotherhood at conferences in Tennessee, California (Los Angeles Media), Pennsylvania, and Missouri. I also accompanied John Hales and Marian Rowley to Clayton, California to attend a special meeting called by Vern Grimsley in October 1983.

What is perhaps most noteworthy about the trying events of the past year are the warm and loving friendships that have endured regardless of certain ideological differences. The continuing mutual trust is perhaps indicative of the maturity, stability, and spirituality of those individuals who have behaved so superbly. From a personal standpoint, things could have been a lot worse!

Carolyn B.Kendall, Vice President
July 20, 1984