1985 Annual Report of the Domestic Extension Committee
Harry McMullan

During the preceding year, the committee has worked in three areas:

1) The Library Gift Book Program. At the time of last year's report, 425 books had been distributed; the count is now 526 books. 142 volunteers are helping with this project. We have somewhat depleted our pool of willing volunteers, in that most of them have already placed books in the libraries near them and we have therefore purchased a mailing list of 3,000+ libraries and will be sending each of them an offer of the book. The letter is prepared and ready to go out as soon as 8th Printing books are available to enable us to respond to acceptances. I wish to particularly thank Tom Allen for his work as coordinator of this project.

2) The Study Group Fellowship. The First Edition of the Directory became available subsequent to last year's report and contains 237 groups and comprising 1,095 members. We intend to update the Directory before the end of the year. We have received considerable appreciative response on the Directory from members in the more isolated areas.

3) Name change. As previously reported, for years our committee has felt its name to be parochial, and specifically that the word "Domestic" incorrectly implies the Brotherhood to be a U.S. rather than an international organization. At its meeting last summer, the committee voted to change its name to the "Extension Committee" as an interim step prior to a needed realignment of function with International Fellowship, so that both committees would operate internationally - Extension in "extending" out to new readers and Fellowship in "fellow- shipping" existing readers. The Executive Committee is moving ahead on this matter and will doubtless report in due season.

As a thought for the future, I hope that our committee will be able to develop a study program for new study groups, to emphasize personal spiritual growth based on the insights of The Urantia Book, perhaps similar to Alcoholics Anonymous' "12 Steps." If well done, this could give beginning groups a place to start, and a feeling of direction in their study, to carry them through to the point at which they are able to chart their own course. Part of this should be a well-developed program of getting new readers through personally introducing others to the book. Any thoughts?

I wish to thank our members David Kulieke, CeCe Forrester, Mary Schlueter, Tom Allen and Waldine Stump for their work during the past year. We all appreciate the opportunity we have been given to help serve the Brotherhood.

Respectfully submitted, Harry McMullan, Chairman