Berkeley Elliott
Since my report had to be in Chicago last year before we went on our trip to Europe, I would like to go back and pick up details of that trip that actually happened, instead of just projection.
We met with 12 URANTIA Book readers in Paris, the evening of May 12, 1985. Arrangements had been made by Jacques DuPont and George & Marlene Michelson -DuPont for us to have all of the lower-level of a restaurant near the hotel where we were staying in Paris. John & Susie Hales had joined us so our tour of Students of The Urantia Book. (with the exception of 3 who were unable to attend due to a little-accident) - a total of 19 -plus the 12 from Paris, spent the evening in fellowship and fun. I believe this is a "first" of this type of "getting-to-know-our-brothers-and-sisters" and its effects are still being felt and no doubt will be from now on.
As a result of this meeting, George-Michelson DuPont and Jean Claude Nior (from the Netherlands - accompanied George), spent a weekend here in Oklahoma City - and we all really learned to love them - then spent almost a week in Boulder at the "Intensive" session. I understand this was a transforming experience, and as a result an International Conference is being held in Paris this August. Also as a result of the two meetings (May and August), John & Carol Hay and I spent 2 weeks with the DuPonts over Christmas - getting to know and love them even more,
Satu-Sihvo and Marja Svesson, from Finland, joined us for 3 evenings and 2 days, while we were staying at the Kibbutz No of Ginnosar on the Sea of Galilee. They are active in the Helsinki Study Groups and we truly enjoyed getting to know them. They both spoke English quite well - especially Satu. She had learned English 15 years ago. They were a delight and we are looking forward to meeting with them in Helsinki this August, after the International Conference in Paris.
When Tom Allen put his URANTIA Book on the counter at the Kibbutz, the clerk got very excited. He said he had noticed the name of our tour - "Students of The URANTIA Book" but he just could not believe it was the same Book he had read in San Diego years before. We sent him a couple of Books to put in libraries and we do hope to hear from again. I have had a couple of letters since we came home.
From notes we have received from our tour guides since we returned, we seemed to have left a trail of good will in France, Italy, Israel and Egypt. So a few more have heard of The URANTIA Book and readers of The Book.
The International Fellowship Committee met in San Francisco, CA - actually at the Berkeley Marina Marriott, in Berkeley, February 14-17, 1986. Guests included David & Marta Elders; John & Susie Hales; Emmanuel Desurvire, Philip Rolnick, Francly Gawryn and the twins; Gloria Fraser, Sheryl Prince and Paul Snider. Martin Myers joined the meeting Saturday evening. Members present were: Mary Snider, Richard Prince, Douglas Fraser and Marvin Gawryn (plus myself). J. J. Johnson was absent.
Emmanuel shared his invaluable insights on the viewpoints in France and we all agreed it will take in-put from French, Spanish, Australian, etc. to make this a truly International Brotherhood. We will continue making as many personal contacts as possible and make every effort to get to know and understand others' viewpoints.
We have incorporated the positive corrections and additions to the Guidelines, and they will be printed on Brotherhood stationary - if approved by the Executive Committee and the General Council - and made available to readers all over the planet, along with a short letter, as a "chain of friendship."
On Sunday evening, after the Committee finished its work, the Bay Area URANTIA Society held a Social for us. They have many new members from the San Francisco area and it was truly great being with this group!
The first weekend of June, John Hales, Tom Allen and I plan to attend the Conference in Melborne, Australia. It has been over 8 years since they have been visited and they are anxious for us to attend. on the way, we will visit other Book readers.
In August of this year, many of us Plan to attend the International Conference - the first outside of the North American continent - near Paris, France. We are very excited about being able to spend time with our brothers and sisters in France and other countries. After a week there, several of us plan to visit URANTIA Book students in Finland.
The Spanish translation is underway, so we can look forward to another translation in about 2 years. This is exciting news for all of us.
Our mailing to libraries has resulted in placing 240 French and English URANTIA Books outside the United States. Orders are still coming in.
I want to express thanks and appreciation to all members of this Committee, all the guests that have helped so much, and the staff at headquarters. Another great year!
Berkeley Elliott Chairman