1986 Report of the
Special Projects Committee to the
General Council of Urantia Brotherhood
Marilynn Kulieke

This year the focus of the Special Projects Committee has been in three areas. We have been dealing with two of the 1985 resolutions passed on to our committee by the Executive Committee and we have also been assisting in the site and logistic arrangements for the 1986 Summer Seminars.

One of the resolutions that our committee has focused on is the resolution requesting that URANTIA Brotherhood create and accumulate study aids. Our committee developed a plan to compile a resource guide which would contain names, address, phone number, title, type, and abstract for each kind of secondary work that was submitted to us. We would then computerize this listing and publish it so that all readers could have access to the guide and send for those study aids that interest them. For this first step, individuals will disseminate their own works to other readers. A listing of the proposal that was passed by the Executive Committee is attached.

The second resolution that our committee has been dealing with was the resolution that a factual history of the URANTIA Book should be developed. The Special Projects Committee considered this resolution and discussed four possible ways to proceed. The first was an historical archive, the second was the creation of a written chronology of URANTIA Brotherhood, the third was the collection of oral histories, and the fourth was a historians album. After the discussion of these ideas by the Executive Committee, it was decided that currently there was little funds to expend on this resolution. Consequently, the Special Projects Committee decided to develop a long range plan to provide some framework for planning action-in this area. This plan is currently being developed. We also had some interest in beginning to collect oral histories from a few individuals.

Finally, we have been working on the summer seminars. Our committee has been responsible for the budget, registration form, letters to attendees dealing .with site, and some site logistics. We continue to be involved in this level of activity.

I would like to thank the Special Projects Committee members, Carol Forsythe, Bill Hazen, Neal Kendall, Jim McNelly and Chick Montgomery, for their work and support this year.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilynn Kulieke Chairman, Special Projects Committee