Harry McMullan

Our committee is pleased to report work in the following areas during the past year:

1. Since last summer's report to the General Council, 144 gift books have been distributed under Tom Allen's program to libraries in the U.S. As in the recent past, the source of these books was a generous contribution by Urantia Foundation. Last fall the Foundation suggested a set of guidelines for library book distribution, pursuant to which we will be able to distribute more books than ever before. Their guidelines essentially pertain to qualifying those who will be engaged in the distribution, the manner in which distribution will be accomplished, and reporting matters. Upon clarification of a few points, their guidelines seemed very reasonable, and of course we are glad to have free books!

2. Following up on last summer's General Council approval of our committee's proposal on expanding the Field Representative program, at its November meeting the Executive Committee approved our sending out letters soliciting suggestions from study group leaders, Councilors, Trustees, etc., on whom we might nominate to fill these new positions. Each of you should have received such a letter. (Incidentally, please send yours back in, if you haven't already) Once sufficient time has elapsed for interested parties to offer suggestions, we will compile what we have received, develop recommendations, and submit them to the Executive Committee for approval along with the compiled responses received.

The committee is also working to devise a training program for the new field representatives, which will be comprised both of printed information and face-to-face training meetings. There are numerous associated matters relating to successfully executing this program which will engage us in the upcoming year. We are very excited about this program, and appreciate the Council's confidence in permitting us to proceed on it.

3. Shortly before our Council meeting, our committee will host the 2nd Society Conclave, to which every Society has been invited to send two representatives. We hope that this will be well attended, and appreciate the work David Kulieke has done to make it possible.

I wish to thank each of our committee members who served during the past year: David Kulieke, Tom Allen, Waldine Stump, Mo Siegel, and Michael Challis. We always appreciate any comments or suggestions concerning how we can better perform our duties.

Respectfully submitted,

Harry McMullan, Chairman