1988 Annual Report of the Publications
Dan Massey
During the past year (actually about ten months) the Publications Committee has been concerned with the following matters:
URANTIA Brotherhood Bulletin
Two issues of the Bulletin were produced during the past year. The second of these issues was printed in-house using the Brotherhood's new printing equipment
Domestic Extension Committee Pamphlets
The Publications Committee undertook to review, revise, design, typeset, and prepare for publication the pamphlet "How to Have an Effective URANTIA Book Study Group." Our work was completed with preliminary production of the pamphlet "URANTIA Book Study Groups-ideas and Suggestions," which was submitted to the General Council and to URANTIA Foundation for review in January. As of February, the Foundation was referring, a portion of the pamphlet to its attorneys for review and rewording.
The Publications Committee also undertook to coordinate criticism and reworking of the pamphlet "How to Share The URANTIA Book." This booklet is now undergoing its second major review and rework, the results of the first revision having been distributed to the Council in January 1988. A new version will be submitted to the Council as soon as available.
Computer-Based Reference Aid
As of May 1, 1988, seven persons were enrolled in the beta test the computer-based reference aid. Two more were scheduled to join during May, with several others expressing interest for a time later in the year. Participation in this activity has been offered to any reader of The URANTIA Book who has appropriate computer equipment and will abide by the terms of a simple agreement; however, the project has not been promoted to the readership.
Headquarters Publications Redesign
Three pieces of literature currently being distributed from headquarters have been redesigned, and mechanicals delivered to headquarters staff. The items are The URANTIA Book - The Question of Origin," 'Basic Concepts of The URANTIA Book," and 'On URANTIA Book Study Groups." Future efforts will focus on preparing a compact version of the 'Constitution of URANTIA Brotherhood."
A History of the URANTIA Movement
Because this program requires fairly complex projection equipment, it has not been shown publicly since the General Conference. An experimental conversion to video tape was made by members of the First URANTIA Society of Oklahoma and shown last winter to the First URANTIA Society. The Publications Committee plans further modification to the visuals, after which permission will be sought from URANTIA Foundation for some limited form of publication in video form.
Respectfully submitted for the Publications Committee:
Dan Massey, Chairman
Nancy Johnson
Eileen Laurence
Lisa Carr
Mark Kulieke
Neal Waldrop