Bob Bruyn

Electronic Resource Project: The goal of this project is to provide electronic access to Fellowship records and information. As this report is being written, the components of the computer equipment are being assembled. By the time you read this, the equipment should be installed at 529. For those interested in such details, some of the specifications include: 486DX50 processor, EISA Bus, Stealth video accelerator, 1.2 GB hard drive, large tower case for expansion, 17" SVGA monitor, BP scanner, and all necessary software, such as Windows 3.1 & OmniPage Professional for optical character recognition. We will begin by scanning in all past General Council and Executive Committee minutes and then use FolioViews software, to create Info Bases for easy information access. 

Special thanks to the individuals whose extra financial contributions have made this project possible. Thanks also to Jim Jarnigan who has donated his time and expertise in assembling and installing the equipment and software. 

Resource Guide: The revised and updated Resource Guide for Secondary Works of The Urantia Book should be ready for distribution at IC93. Everyone who had works included in the fist edition were asked about revisions and new submissions. In addition, the readership was asked for submissions through announcements in the Bulletin and Study Group Herald this past spring. We hope that the Guide continues to be a useful resource for students of The Urantia Book for discovering the many study aides and Urantia related materials that are available. 

Special thanks to Matthew Block for managing the production Cece Forrester and Carolyn Kendall for help in editing, and Nancy Johnson for typesetting. 

Oral History: Five years ago the TDA passed a resolution that the General Council accepted. It called for the "...compilation of an oral history from early readers, to the end that a sense of the problem and excitement of those days can be preserved." During the past year some progress has been made in interviewing former members of the Forum. These materials will be included in the Fellowship's Archives Library. 

John Lange interviewed Bill Hales last summer and recorded it on audio tape. According to John, the audio is often difficult to understand because of the throat surgery that Bill has had. John has agreed to try to transcribe the tape. Bill Rocap interviewed Dr. Kenton Stephens this winter and recorded it on video tape. Marilynn & Dave Kulicke, Cece Forrester, Barbara Kulieke, and Lynne Kulicke have also expressed interest in interviewing former members of the Forum. 

Archives Library: The purpose of this ongoing project is to collect information that will provide a historical record of past and present activities of the Urantia Movement The library will include organizational records, records of individuals who have had historical involvement with the Revelation and periodicals, publications, and any materials related to the Movement. We hope that people will consider donating their materials to The Fellowship. 

Resource Library: This ongoing project is intended to build a library to assist current and future students of the Revelation in their religious study. Materials include reference works of the world's major religions, sources that portray human knowledge at the time that the Urantia Papers were indicted (early 1930's), and materials that may have been used for the concepts presented in the Papers. 

Larry Watkins has been maintaining a list of works that we are interested in obtaining (as donations, if possible). This list has been sent to all Area Coordinators. Some works have already been obtained, such as a 1929 edition of Encyclopedia . Dave Elders has acquired a small library of about 125 religious books from a friend and he plans to send them to 529 for the Library. Arrangements have been made for shelving at 529 to accommodate books and materials for the Resource Library. This will make the library materials accessible to individuals who visit headquarters. 

Committee Membership: Of course none of these projects could continue without the efforts of many volunteers. Special thanks to the members of Special Projects Committee and the many others who have assisted. THANKS!


Committee Members

Tony Finstad

Cece Forrester

Barbara Kulieke

Lee Smith

Larry Watkins


Adunct Members

Ticky Harris
Larry Mullins
Ken Raveill
Bill Rocap