Domestic Extension Committee Report, 1995
Mo Siegel


The Domestic Extension Committee is happy to meet the demands that will arise in this next phase of the dissemination of The Urantia Book. We look forward to an accelerated growth in new reader/believers as affordable versions of the revelation come into the main stream. Now, more than ever, we dedicate our efforts to the expansion of study groups, new reader introductions and follow-up, reader networking, and greater distribution of The Urantia Book. 

1995 Accomplishments: 

Area Coordinators: The AC training manual was mailed out to Area Coordinators by the end of February. The manual is a well rounded and easily updated publication which provides ACs with practical information in nine sub-sections including: The Fellowship, The Area Coordinator Program, Study Groups, Networking, Ministry And Service, Public Outreach, Interfaith Activities, and Miscellaneous (current events). All of the project suggestions in the manual are methods which were tried, tested, and submitted by readers. So far the feedback from AC's about their new manual is that it is useful and they like it. A heart felt thank you to Ann Garner for her loving service in compiling this manual.

Booth Outreach: By May 1st, we will have completed shows in Seattle, Pittsburgh*, Ashville*, San Francisco, and New York. We look forward to shows in Spokane, Pasadena, Denver, Boulder, Santa Fe, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Ft. Lauderdale, New York (2nd show), Atlanta and Boston. That's 17 shows! (* After the city indicates first time in that city.)

The following represents our accomplishments at 5 shows in 1995:

Urantia Books sold 105

Concordex sold 17

Paramony sold 8

Life After Death sold 147

Introductions distributed 872

Brochures distributed 11,146

Mustard Seeds distributed 3,563

People who saw our booth 80,000

People we talked to 1,500

Attendance at lectures 150

Names added to mailing lists 247

Volunteer booth workers 81


The following depicts our accomplishments at 1994 shows:

Urantia Books sold 307

Concordex sold 76

Paramony sold 35

Life After Death sold 229

Introductions distributed 2,414

Brochures distributed 3,230

Mustard Seeds distributed 10,859

People who saw our booth 350,000

People we talked to 51,000

Attendance at lectures 651

Names added to mailing lists 693

Volunteer booth workers 19.0

Expo Follow-up: We continue to encourage Expo follow-up workshops in certain cities. The follow-up workshops are the next step in bringing new readers into existing study groups, initiating new study groups, and making contact with those individuals who put their name on the booth sign-up sheets. We have had successful follow-up workshops in San Diego, Toronto, Ft. Lauderdale, Seattle, Las Vegas, and Pittsburgh.

Training Teachers: Before each Expo new volunteers are trained on how to answer difficult questions, creative listening, booth etiquette, logistics, goals, purposes, and Jesus' outreach techniques. We also touch on what to do when someone wants to argue and ways to diffuse irate religionists. In terms of training, nothing matches the superb experiential wisdom that comes from actually talking to interested persons at the booth. In a year and a half approximately 80 new booth volunteers have been trained.

Urantia Book Availability: When low cost versions of The Urantia Book are readily available for distribution we anticipate initiating an outreach effort involving bookstores and Area Coordinators. We hope to get ACs to go to book stores on a quarterly basis to encourage and promote sales of the book. We also plan to initiate in-store promotions like workshops, tear pad placement, study group promotion, and classes on the book.

Book Subsidies: The Afford-A-Book program continues to be a viable way for subsidizing lower priced Urantia Books for people who can't afford them. We know from experience that price is often the determining factor for someone wanting to purchase the book. With the advent of low cost books available in the near future Afford-A-Book may be supplanted by Donate-A-Book which could provide books to individuals who can't afford The Urantia Book at any price.

New Reader Introductions: Domestic Extension continues to conduct, support, and encourage public introductions to The Urantia Book. Our main objective is to show local readers how easy it is to hold introductory classes for new and potential readers. Larry Geis, Mchelle Klimesh and Lee Russell (in Kodiak Alaska) are currently working together on developing a video introduction to the book which will facilitate in-home group introductions.

The 1995-96 Study Group Directory: This year's edition is now complete and available through The Fellowship and The Jesusonian Foundation. The 1994 directory included 291 domestic groups plus 61 international groups, an increase of 27 groups over the 1993 total. This year's directory has 306 domestic groups and 67 international groups, an increase of 26 groups over the 1994 total.

The Phone Message Program: The phone message program began again in Boulder in November 1994 and is now complete. The top seven messages for 1994-95 season are:

1. Who Is Lucifer ? 109 callers with 6 messages

2. Do People Live On Other Planets? 81 callers with 6 messages

3. How to Pray More Effectively 76 callers with 6 messages

4. Prayers From Other Planets 58 callers with 5 messages

5. Where Is Jesus Now? 54 callers with 5 Messages

6. What Is Heaven Really Like? 52 callers with 5 messages

7. Was Jesus Death Political? 50 callers with 5 messages

New Projects: In addition to serving the Area Coordinators in the United States we are extremely pleased to be serving the Area Coordinators in Canada as well. This will help create greater continuity in North America and will give the Canadian readership (as the second largest in the world) more attention to their growing needs. AC manuals, for example, were mailed to all of the Canadian ACs.

As you read this report you will see how much work this committee is blessed with. The faithful servers and friends of this committee make it happen. Special love and thanks goes to the tireless efforts of Paula Thompson.

In His service and ever grateful for the opportunity,

The Domestic Extension Committee

Mo Siegel, Chair


Paula Thompson, Secretary and Outreach Director

Ann Garner, National Area Coordinator

Robin Jorgensen, Study Group Development

Larry Geis, Special Projects

Michelle Klimesh, Special Projects

Mary Ebben, Tireless Adjunct