Mo Siegel

Thanks to the extraordinary efforts of over 200 volunteers, the Domestic Extension Committee was able to preserve our core programs while stimulating progress on new initiatives. Most specifically, the Committee's work has dramatically increased with the publication of The Fellowship's new book. We are continually blessed with much work to accomplish and a fine lot of spiritually dedicated Urantians to do it!


Booth Outreach

With the support of a cadre of local volunteers, Paula Thompson organized and operated outreach booths at 22 shows in 19 cities over 22 weekends! This outreach program has introduced new readers to The Urantia Book in Pittsburgh, Fort Lauderdale, Pasadena, Seattle, Ashville, Dallas, San Francisco, San Diego, Denver, Boulder, Spokane, Atlanta, Austin, Santa Fe, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Toronto, and New York.

Statistics are as follows:

Urantia Books sold 518
El Libro sold 27
Concordex sold 47
Paramony sold 7
Life After Death sold 193
Introductions distributed 2,062
Brochures distributed 4,017
Mustard Seeds distributed 15,120
Fellowship brochures 800
People who saw our booth 500,000*
Names added to mailing lists 805*
Volunteer booth workers 226*

(* indicates a close approximation)

Note: Since the introduction of The Fellowship's new book, The Urantia Book sales increased from a 20 book per show average to a 37 book per show average. Wow, an 85% increase!

In 1997 we have gone to Pittsburgh, Seattle, and San Francisco with Pasadena, Boulder, Denver, Chicago, Spokane, San Diego, Sacramento, Austin, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Boston, New York, and Toronto still ahead. I stand in deep admiration and appreciation for all the service Paula Thompson and her team give to the Revelation. They donate their weekends to bringing new people to The Urantia Book and to our Heavenly Father. I am fully convinced that the Whole Life Expo Urantia Book program has directly led to the large book sales increases over the past three years.

Introductory Workshops

We continue to encourage Expo follow-up workshops in certain cities. The follow-up workshops are the next step in bringing newly introduced Expo converted readers into existing study groups, initiating new study groups, and making contact with individuals who put their names on the booth sign-up sheets. This year local groups conducted successful follow-up workshops in San Diego, Toronto, Fort Lauderdale, Seattle, Las Vegas, Pittsburgh, and recently San Francisco.

The Urantia Book Distribution

Eight North American distributors have been secured for the Uversa Press edition of The Urantia Book. In late Spring, we will display the Uversa book at Book Expo America in Chicago and then the International New Age Trade Show. Our hope is to sign up new distributors in all English speaking countries. Already more than three-fourths of the first printing of the fancy cover books have sold. To support distribution, ads have been placed in trade publications with seven different distributors and sent out over 10,000 full color fliers to thousands of bookstores. In addition, continual resources are being expended toward creating user friendly improvements for the new double column, paper, section, and paragraph referencing Uversa edition. Along with improvements come reprinting efforts for the second and third editions.

Area Coordinators

Brian Smith has taken Ann Garner's place as National Area Coordinator Director. Brian has initiated an exciting book distribution project with Area Coordinators. He mailed full color fliers to Area Coordinators with instructions on how to interest bookstore owners and buyers in carrying the beautiful new edition of The Urantia Book. We also hope that unlimited availability of books will be just the incentive needed to increase outreach activity and reader growth within the entire movement. We are looking forward to working closely with area coordinators on some fun and rewarding projects in 1997.

The 1996-97 Study Group Directory

This year's edition, currently in production on Mary Ebben's computer, is scheduled to be completed in July 1997. So far a significant number of new groups have listed this year. Mary hopes to see increases in both domestic and foreign study groups.

Training Teachers

Before each Expo, new volunteers are trained how to answer difficult questions along with learning creative listening skills, booth etiquette, logistics, goals, purposes, and Jesus' outreach techniques. We also touch on what to do when someone wants to argue and ways to diffuse irate religionists. In terms of training, nothing matches the superb experiential wisdom that comes from actually talking to interested persons at the booth. As these efforts continue, more experienced volunteers come back year after year to work at the booth.

New Reader Introductions

The Domestic Extension Committee continues to conduct, support, and encourage public introductions to The Urantia Book. Our main objective is to show local readers how easy it is to hold introductory classes for new and potential readers.

As you read this report, you will see that this Committee is blessed with much work. Thank you, Paula, Brian, Robin, Larry, and Mary! These faithful servers and friends of this Committee make it happen!

In His service and ever grateful for the opportunity,

Mo Siegel, Chair The Domestic Extension Committee


Mo Siegel - Chair
Paula Thompson - Secretary and Outreach Director
Brian Smith - National Area Coordinator
Robin Jorgensen - Study Group Development
Larry Geis - Special Projects
Mary Ebben - Special Projects