The Urantia Book


Annual Report for the Charter Committee

July 1999

Ichak Adizes, author of The Pursuit of Prime, states that all organizations that have longevity are exemplified by the ability to reinvent themselves with discipline and innovation while never losing sight of those they serve.  1999 has been, for The Urantia Book Fellowship, a year of exploring whom we are as a group, defining why we exist and what we could/should be doing in the service of the Fifth Epochal Revelation to the peoples of Urantia. 

The Charter Committee's future responsibilities are being redefined, clarified and refocused.  This is an opportunity for the Charter Committee to more effectively serve the varied community of readers and believers of The Urantia Book.

In 1989, the Charter Committee's basic responsibility was establishing the requirements for society formation and verifying those applicant groups satisfactorily met such requirements. In the early 1990's, the Charter Committee became responsible for reviewing the member at large (MAL) applications and making recommendations to the Executive Committee, whose jurisdiction it is for approval of such members. Then in 1997, the Charter Committee created the Fellowship Associate status for groups who wanted to associate with the Fellowship but whom did not meet or desire the requirements for society formation.  More changes came in 1998 with the simplification of Society Charter standards and resulted in a much-simplified standard Society Constitution.

1999 has furthered these changes with an emphasis on simplifying the process of individuals or groups supporting and participating with The Urantia Book Fellowship.  A membership subcommittee was formed at the February 1999 General Council meeting and made three recommendations to the Executive Committee in April of 1999.

1. Revise and Open Up (simplify) the Criteria for the Formation of Societies

2. Create an Interest Groups Program

3. Revise Criteria for becoming a Member at Large

All three will effect the responsibilities and duties of the Charter Committee in varying ways, some of which still need to be determined. 

The major changes in the formation of Societies are that the standard constitution for socities would be revised to be better aligned with constitutional thinking outside the US and that societies would not need to be geographically based, but could be web based or interest group based.  They could also be formed by groups of members-at-large who are interested in participating in the governance of the organization.

The changes recommended for becoming and maintaining a member at large (MAL) status would be to make a minimum yearly donation.  The amount of the yearly donation is not yet defined.  Applicants would have an option to a yearly donation by applying for a scholarship, in which they provide their skills and abilities in lieu of a donation.  Other options would be to apply as members of a current society, or to organize and create a new society, which meets the requirements of The Urantia Book Fellowship. 

Additionally, members at large would not be required to read the entire book or asked to pledge their allegiance to the organization. The main requirement is a yearly donation and supplying their name, address, phone number and email address, all of which signify their active support of our organizational work.

The issue concerning elections to the General Council of The Urantia Book Fellowship has been discussed.  The early consensus being those candidates will be known for their work within the Urantia community as well as their service in various committees and their activity in Special Interest Groups.  Their application form to the GC will further amplify their qualifications for a seat on the General Council.

Discussion about society contribution to The Urantia Book Fellowship continues with a concept for the need of a minimal contribution by each society to maintain their active status.  Active status would allow participation in TDA representation etc. At this time, there is not a clearly defined idea what a minimal contribution would or should be. 

The Charter Committee worked on the Installation ceremony of the Vancouver Island Peoples Society of Readers of The Urantia Book scheduled for August 11, 1999.  This is the 25th society to be organized in The Urantia Book Fellowship and has 23 founding members. We look forward to successful service to the revelation.

In our Eternal Father's service,

Robert Burns, Chair
Larry Bowman, Secretary
Robert Bruyn
Dale Sztejnberg
Bob Arkens
John Causland