Annual Report of the Charter Committee

Robert Bruyn, Chair



Committee Membership: The first year as Charter chair has been rewarding.  Last August there were three vacancies on the Committee, due to elections, term expiration, and a resignation.  John Causland (Michigan) agreed to serve as secretary and Dale Sztejnberg (New York) had a five-year term remaining.  Wm. ‘Sonny’ Schneider (Hawaii) and Charlene Morrow (Oklahoma) agreed to serve and were appointed by the Executive Committee in October 2000.  They wait approval by the General Council.  At the time of this report we still have one vacancy and would like to have a member from outside the USA. Skills in Spanish or Web development would really help us.

Constitutional Change:  The duties and privileges of Charter were expanded at the midyear meeting of the General Council in Florida.  The Urantia Book Fellowship constitution was modified reassigning responsibility for developing and nurturing Societies from the Domestic Extension (Outreach) Committee to the Charter Committee.  As a result, the Committee has tried to help facilitate this year’s assembly of Society representatives for the reconvened TDA.

The Urantia Book Aloha Society:  One of the great episodes in the career of Charter Committee is to install a new Society.  On December 8, 2000 The Urantia Book Aloha Society of Hawaii was installed in a ceremony in Captain Cook on the Big Island.  This completed a process that started about a year earlier by Bud Kagan of Hawaii.  We warmly welcome this 21st Society and look forward to the contribution they bring.

Member-At-Large:  Inge Scheumann of Sierra Vista, Arizona was recommended for membership and subsequently approved by the Executive Committee.  There are now 284 at large members compared to about 1016 members that belong to Societies and the Korean Association.

Society Chartering Packet:  The Committee is currently finalizing a packet of information about Chartering.  Included is:

1.      Cover letter – This standard letter of introduction should welcome inquirers, explain the role of societies in our organization, and emphasize the role of service for the new group.  (Borrowed extensively from info in the Welcome Kit.)

2.      Becoming a Chartered Society – This is a list of requirements and procedures to become a society and is hopefully “user friendly.”

3.      Application for Membership – This form is completed by each person applying for membership in the new Society.

4.      Standard Constitution – This document has been pre-approved by Judicial and Charter and can be used as is or amended to fit the group.

5.      Fellowship Constitution – This must be read and accepted by new members.

Other Activities:  The Committee worked with Bud Kagan to provide information about becoming a Society to readers in the Portland, Oregon area.  Information was also provided to readers in Ontario, Canada. 


Latin America:  Recent inquiries from Latin America have awakened us to the fact that we should have been preparing ourselves to interact with readers who do not speak English.  The immediate task at hand is to communicate with our neighbors to the south and to produce materials in their languages.  To begin, we should at least translate the materials in the Society Chartering Packet into Spanish.  The cost of translation needs to be approved.  Portuguese may be needed soon based on the level of activity in Brazil.  The challenge for Charter in the coming year is to be of service to groups in Latin America and everywhere that are interested in affiliation with The Urantia Book Fellowship. 

“A social group of human beings in co-ordinated working harmony stands for a force far greater than the simple sum of its parts.”  (133:5.6, p. 1477:1)

For the Charter Committee,

Bob Bruyn, Chair

John Causland, Secretary

Charlene Morrow

Wm Sonny Schneider

Dale Sztejnberg