Annual Report of the Ad Hoc PR Committee

Alison Gardner, Chair

August 2001

Interim Report of the Ad Hoc PR Committee

Since our last report, the pr committee accomplished:

  1. Our new brochure, “A brief description of The Urantia Book” has been printed and is being distributed. An updated version of our other brochure (Come Serve With Us) was also produced and distributed. Supplies were shipped to John Hales, Paula Thompson, David Kantor, Avi Dogim, and Alison Gardner, in various amounts for their relative needs. A supply of both was also sent to Lee Smith who will include them in the SSS’01 registrants packets. A mailing of this new brochure to the full data base is under consideration which would have a cover letter alerting all readers to its availability for their personal dissemination. At the very least, a notice will be prepared for the next few issues of the Mighty Messenger, reminding people that these brochures can be available in quantity upon request.
  2. The first phase of design development for new bookmark/s with Paula Thompson is underway. Currently assisting with copywriting, final design, and pre-production. There will be a series of 5 different quotes printed on 2000 bookmarks (minimum), on high grade translucent card stock, with public domain artwork. It has been recommended that the only Fellowship identifiers be the organization name and just two urls (urantia and, subject to further input from Paula, her cmte, and the exec cmte. We are aiming for production as soon as possible.
  3. Assistance to Lee Smith/Ed cmte and John Hales in developing and producing the May promotional mailing for SSS’01.
  4. Assistance to the President in crafting the joint Fellowship-Foundation Announcement re the Memo Of Understanding.
  5. Assistance to Robert Burns/Finance cmte in crafting their June 2001 solicitation package.
  6. Another stationery kit to go to each GC member and Society governing board is being organized. In addition to a supply of letterhead, envelopes, mailing labels, business cards, sample membership cards, and, b+w faux letterhead (for flyers, etc.), a disk will be included this time with a WORD template indicating the usable fields (margins and layouts) to utilize the gray stationery components; and, pdf files of the faux letterhead (with and without the address block, and in black-and-white only) with user specifications, for pint or on the web. Because of the designed nature of our logo-identifier, it is not practical or advisable to allow anyone to print our gray and screened letterhead using various quality (who knows!) of printers and paper stock, and without strict registration of the image. We want to encourage every Fellowship member to make use of our gray stationery, and providing a template and ample supplies of stationery seems to be the best and only approach to encourage this. But if they want to print something on their own it will have to be in b+w only, and now they will have the tools and specifications on hand to do this. Mass mailings of all sizes will continue to be printed on gray letterhead through the The Fellowship office and this ad hoc cmte.
  7. Assistance to the Charter Committee in completing Membership Kit has been provided. This is expected to be ready for use by the end of August, or earlier. It will be translated to Spanish right away for the growing number of requests for affiliation fromLatin America.
  8. Assistance to the Domestic Extension Committee was provided to complete the Study Group Starter Kit. Please send to Alison a finished kit, for the pr cmte records, or let her know what more she can do to help.
  9. Discussed promotional needs for IC’02 with Steve Dreier. Preparation of promotional materials will begin in earnest in September, again through successive issues of the Mighty Messenger, with an emphasis on promotion through the web site. Calendar notices in selected mainstream special-interest publications will be considered as well.

Since we did not produce a graphic “wrapper” or anything like it for the May promotional mailing for SSS’01, we still have in our pr budget approved funds for one or two other graphic pieces, in addition to those referenced above. Since no ideas have forthcoming from the committee chairs, might we invite suggestions from societies of what kinds of materials would be useful to them on a local level, either in fundraising or for dissemination?

Alison/cmte is still looking for a new co-chair and some members. Recommendations would be most welcomed.

Respectfully submitted,

Alison B. Gardner

Alison B. Gardner

Chair, Ad Hoc PR Committee