April 16, 2005



The Mighty Messenger went to the printer this week, and should be in the hands of readers shortly.  Delays were due to various causes, but it should be received by everyone in enough time to get the extended lower registration cost. This Spring 2005 issue will again be 12 pages, as it also includes the IC05 registration form.


The cost to print and mail the Fall 2004 issue was $6,034.12, of which $4821.07 was charged to Publications.  The remainder was charged partly to Finance for envelopes, and to IC05 for the registration form that was included.


As always, I want to remind everyone to photograph group events and send photos and descriptions/articles to me.  The next Mighty Messenger will be done immediately following IC05, and the third will be completed by the end of the year.


The question has been raised as to whether or not we should produce smaller issues of the Mighty Messenger and more of them, i.e., four per year instead of three, with each having fewer pages. There are many factors involved in this decision, and I’ll have a report on the pros and cons by the meeting in August.


In regard to the Herald, all articles are in, and most of the editing is done.  Sage will hopefully be setting it up in print within a week, and then it will take perhaps a week to correct typos, find fill for awkward spaces, etc. I would like to see the Herald to the printer by May 1, if at all possible. This issue will contain 48 pages, which is larger than usual. 




Linda Buselli, Chair

Publications Committee