Fellowship Admin
Report on the 2006 Body, Mind, and Spirit Expo
Hello members of the UB Fellowship,
I wanted to report on our experiences at the Spokane, Washington Body, Mind, and Spirit Expo held on June 3rd & 4th 2006.
We have been doing a booth at the Expo for most of the 16 years it has been going. What was different this year was that we were gifted a large number of Urantia books to give away at no charge. I communicated with Paula about this as I had a concern that free books could be ineffective. Paula mentioned her thoughts were to the affect that people might not read the book if there is nothing given in exchange. I agreed that this was possible.
Yet, I arrived at the Expo with 60 books to hand out. We put out the for-sale books as usual with small signs next to them stating the price. We also placed a sign saying “Ask how to receive a free Urantia Book”. A couple people ignored the sign and purchased a book anyway. Our common experience was to speak with people for awhile to find out their interest in the book and then, when they showed an interest in getting one, we offered them a free copy. I think what we didn’t expect was the look of delight in their eyes when they knew they were going to have their own copy. Many thanked us over and over and were delighted to have a book.
We gave out 47 hard cover, 9 soft cover, and sold a soft and large hard cover for a total of 58 Urantia books distributed! We also sold two JANR copies. Sixty books in two days!
Today, what I thought about is how money is not really the main factor of determining if people will read the book or not. Their spiritual hunger and the indwelling leading are the major factors. My only job was to get the book into their hands. Spirit will do the rest. I have a sitar I paid $1000.00 for 3 years ago. I have played it twice since I got it. If money were the determining factor, I would be playing it twice a week. I think most of us have bought things that we do not use or intend to use. We have also been given something we cherish dearly.
I am rethinking my beliefs around giving the book out when I am generously given the opportunity to do so. If someone would have given me the book when I was seeking, I would have gladly read it. Normally we sell between 12 and 20 books. I suspect we will reach more hungry souls giving out nearly 60 books than we will by selling 15.
The talk on Saturday had 14 people and was well received. The booth was swamped after the talk was over. Lots of genuine enthusiasm for the Urantia Book.
The other factor I didn’t expect is how much fun we had in handing out books instead of selling the books. It has always been a little stressful working to help the public see the value of paying money for a book they know little about. People are generally distrusting of salespeople at shows. The thought in my head all weekend was “this is as easy as falling off a log”. The lack of need to sell created a fun atmosphere in which we felt delighted to be in service to those we handed books to. It made their day. It made our day. Another interesting thing was the people coming by to find out what this book was as they had seen so many others at the show carrying one.
Our experience was a positive one. I pray that the recipients of the books find what they need as they read the pages we have all so enjoyed.
My thanks to all who helped in this effort…. our book angels – Paul and Joyce, Paula for her ever-generous guidance, the Fellowship for the show fees, Robert for sending up the booth, Aurora Hill, my Partner in Higher Purposes, who inspired many with her words of wisdom, and Mark Rogers who’s passion for the revelation was enjoyed by those stopping by the booth.
It was our delight to share the light of truth to such an open and willing group of humans.
Thomas Orjala
General Councilor
The Urantia Book Fellowship