Fellowship Admin

Interim Pipeline of Light Report
February 2006
My dear friends,
The Pipeline of Light project has yielded an unexpected dividend in my 
life, namely, I am becoming educated in geography and global living 
It fascinates me to study the difference between the economic/political 
conditions in the United States and those in much of the rest of the 
world.  Understanding the incredible burdens that most of the people on 
earth live with has increased my sense of purpose in getting the 
revelation into the hands of truth-seekers everywhere.
I will share an example of interest below.  For reference, the figures 
in parenthesis at the end of each paragraph represent the current 
annual total domestic product per person (GDP) according to Wikipedia 
(wiki) or The Economist magazine’s latest survey of worldwide economic 
conditions (econ). Country descriptions are from Forbes.com.
According to Forbes.com, three of the most corrupt nations on earth 
this year are places to which we have shipped copies of The Urantia 
We have attempted to send four books to Myanmar, but they haven’t 
arrived yet, four months after shipping.  This is one of the most 
savage military dictatorships still in power and one of the most closed 
societies. Its leadership exists largely to enrich itself by whatever 
means possible. The simple act of having a telephone installed requires 
a bribe, and the system appears to be institutionalized, with little 
interest by the military leadership to change matters, since it also 
helps perpetuate its hold on power. Smuggling of everything from drugs 
to jade is rife across the porous borders with China and Thailand.  
(GDP= $1,800 wiki, $700 econ)
A total of five books have been shipped to readers in Nigeria.  Under 
its current president, Nigeria is making a determined effort to clean 
up its act. President Olusegun Obasanjo has surrounded himself with a 
dozen senior government officials who are firmly opposed to the 
corruption that remains rampant. The president has begun issuing a 
monthly list of the amounts doled out to each of 33 states and more 
than 600 municipalities, so the funds can be monitored at the 
grassroots level. So far, it hasn't had much impact. (GDP= $1,120 wiki, 
$470 econ)
A total of twelve books have been sent to our contact in Pakistan. With 
terrorism going hand in hand with corruption, this frontline nation in 
the war on terror has become quite committed to attacking corruption, 
especially since President Pervez Musharraf came to power. Terrorism is 
still closely linked to corruption since, as one international observer 
points out, "corruption makes the lives of people like that very much 
easier." Though Pakistan has suffered from both blights for a very long 
time, recently some senior government officials and business executives 
have been convicted as awareness of the problem rises.  (GDP = $2567 
wiki, $540 econ)
Incidentally, the Pipeline has also sent six English books and ten 
French books to a seminary in the Republic of Guinea. ($2,100/yr wiki, 
$2,080 econ) This African nation should not be confused with the tiny 
country of Equatorial Guinea, which is another African nation on the 
list of highly corrupt countries, nor with the African country of 
As a comparison, the current annual GDP for the US= $37,240.
Interested in helping?  Donations to the Pipeline of Light can be made 
online at:
Or by mail to:
The Fellowship
PO Box 4583
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
Wishing you all a lovely weekend!
Michelle Klimesh, Pipeline Coordinator