Fellowship Admin

A. Classification of Editorial Intent for Changes in the Text:

Each change has been classified according to the following outline of (presumed)

rationales for the changes. Please note that this listing does not express the current editor’s opinion of the validity of specific categories or changes.



S1) Correction of misspelled common English words

S2) Standardization of variant spellings

S3) Changes for lexical reasons (updating an archaic form or improving the

etymological basis of the word)

S4) Changes in non-English words and names either to correct presumed

typographical errors or to harmonize with standard transliterations

S5) Changes for grammatical reasons

S6) Changes in spelling for reasons unknown



C1) Changes in capitalization based on English usage

C2) Changes suggested by Urantia Book usage



P1) Changes required to conform with English usage

P2) Changes of preference, phrasing or convenience


Modification, insertion or deletion of entire words or phrases

M1) Grammar-based changes (The original appears ungrammatical and has been

changed on that basis.)

M2) Changes to correct perceived inconsistencies or contradictions within The

Urantia Book itself

M3) Changes to correct perceived inconsistencies or contradictions between The

Urantia Book and current scientific theory or historical evidence


Database Errors and the later correction thereof

D1) Changes that may be due to the inadvertent loss of a character in the

typesetting database when it was translated from one form to another after initial

publication. This type of problem should be most evident in the 1971(3rd)

printing—the first that did not utilize the original plates—and in those editions

which involved the re-flowing of text from one format to another (12th, 15th, UP1,



Formatting and Other Changes

F1) Changes of format outside the body of the text for apparently artistic reasons

F2) Changes of format outside the body of the text for other or unknown reasons





B. Classification of Errors in the 1955 Text


Transcription Errors (at any stage of copying or typesetting)

T1) A dropped keystroke

T2) An extra keystroke

T3) An incorrect keystroke—either the wrong letter or number, or a mistakenly

shifted or un-shifted character (capitalization)

T4) Transposed characters—with or without an intervening letter

T5) Pattern insertion or deletion errors—the inadvertent repetition of a near-by

word pattern

T6) An overlooked word—usually short connectives (or, an, of, if, it)

T7) Mis-read letters from the handwritten manuscript.


Editorial Errors

E1) The mistaken “correction” of what was perceived to be either a transcription

or proofing mistake (This would include any changes that cannot be reverseengineered

to fall within the oft-repeated bounds of “spelling, capitalization and

punctuation” that are covered by category E2.)

E2) The inconsistent or incorrect exercise of the power to “correct spelling,

capitalization and punctuation.”


Errors by the Author(s)

A1) Grammatically incorrect use of language (Given the revelators’ unequaled

command of English, this type of error does not seem likely.)

A2) Contradictions or inconsistencies within the text—internal errors (It would

seem, given the revelators’ command of their material, as demonstrated

throughout The Urantia Book, and by the general consistency and unity of the

revelation, that, except for cases in which A3 might apply, errors of this type are

not likely in The Urantia Book)

A3) Errors of scientific or historical statements—external errors (The revelators

explicitly warn that apparent errors of this type do exist in the text.)