Fellowship Admin

Outreach Committee Report    June 2008


This last year has been productive in many ways. As the Outreach Committee chair I have endeavored to find new ways to bring the revelation forth to humanity. While we still do many of the traditional things we have come to know, we are looking deeper into new areas of service outreach.


This spring I traveled to Pueblo to help with a booth at a holistic festival. While there I led two meetings to train interested readers in starting a Cosmic Café in the Denver area and possibly Pueblo. I also met with Buck Weimer and Patricia Strawser to discuss domestic Latino outreach. Patricia has contacted various Latino groups and has a meeting scheduled with Spanish speaking readers in Denver. She is working with Augustin and others to help find her way in this new process. Patricia has chosen to volunteer her time to this effort. Please thank her when you speak with her. If you know Spanish speaking readers, refer them to Patricia at pstrawser@hotmail.com


Again this year, Larry and Donna Whelan helped our outreach efforts with their Spiritual Vitamins. They are available to anyone who wants them for outreach. Spiritual Vitamins are an effective and fun way to get a conversation started or just plant a seed of truth. Please contact Larry at lwhelan@sbcglobal.net for more information.


The Cosmic Café model continues to expand and we hear of many starting in various parts of the country. This great outreach “takes it to the streets” as it brings the revelation to those who might not otherwise ever hear these truths. I encourage you to give it a try in your area.


Aurora Hill and I continue to work on the Ambassador Program and will be promoting it at IC08. We feel it is the necessary next step to fulfill on the mission of training teachers and leaders to bring the revelation to every corner of the planet. Your support and participation is much appreciated and essential for its growth and success.


Bobbie Drier continues to do a great job of keeping The Study Group directory updated. She will be at IC08 at the Expo with her lap top in hand to connect conference goers with study groups and to update data at the same time.


I have been involved in our local Unity Church with the intent to see how much influence I can have on the spiritual content and flavor. I have served on the board for two years with noticeable results. The church is no longer in debt and financially healthy and attendance is up. There is a buzz about “being” the vision of the church not just giving it lip service. There is a palpable spiritual essence that wasn’t there before. While attending a church is not a specific duty of the Outreach Committee, I have to think that this is where the rubber meets the road – it is another means to take the revelation and apply it in our community. I also keep discounted books available in our bookstore and see 4 or 5 go out the door each year.


This is the first year in about 15 that Spokane, Washington did not have an Expo. I intend to research fairs in other states and determine where our presence will be beneficial. We will have a booth at a large Expo in the Minneapolis area this fall. New York, Los Angeles and other cities continue to hold booths at fairs and expo’s. Let us know how we can support you in sponsoring one.


We are continuing to make progress with our media work. I have found an excellent local film producer to work with. We just completed a new segment – an introduction to the UB - which will be “on line” by IC08.


In Service,


Thomas Orjala


      Chair tomo@imbris.net

Aurora Hill – Secretary – Ambassador Program aurora2810@aol.com

Bobbie Dreier – Study Groups bdreier@earthlink.net

Mary Jo Garascia – Member pilgrim_mj@yahoo.com

Bill Rocap – Expo’s and Public Outreach brocap@aol.com

Patricia Strawser – Spanish Readers Outreach  pstrawser@hotmail.com

Don Green – Adjunct – Campus Outreach dsgreen@comcast.net