Fellowship Admin
Resolutions of the 2006 Triennial Delegate Assembly
Dominican University
July 2006
The following resolutions were passed by the 2006 Triennial Delegate Assembly and were forwarded to the General Council for further consideration and action if deemed appropriate by the General Council.
Resolution #1, Submitted by The Urantia Book Society of Los Angeles
Be it resolved that the General Council prepare and adopt a strategy to promote the teachings of El libro de Urantia and to foster and promote participation among Spanish language readers in the United States.
Resolution #2, Submitted by the Rocky Mountain Spiritual Fellowship
Be it resolved that the General Council direct the Executive Committee to produce a feasibility study and financial plan leading to the establishing of a paid position for Spanish Language Reader Services.
Resolution #3, Submitted by the Glenview Society
Be it resolved that The Fellowship continue to take active steps to explore comon interests and the feasibility of merging The Fellowship and the Urantia Association International into one organization, united in spirit.
Resolution #4, Submitted by The Urantia Book Society of Los Angeles
Be it resolved that The Triennial Delegate Assembly supports and calls for the collaboration of major Urantia organizations in a Joint Strategy Forum on Global Response. The purpose is to assess needs and coordinate joint projects for responsible dissemination of The Urantia Book teachings worldwide.
Resolution #5, Submitted by The Urantia Book Society of Greater New York
Be it resolved that the Outreach Committee focus on producing national radio spots of 10, 15, 30, and 60 seconds duration, and that the committee research costs in various national markets. Included in this Resolution be it resolved that the Outreach Committee focus on producing national classified ads made up of only a few words followed by the Fellowship web site address.
Resolution #6, Submitted by the 2006 Triennial Delegate Assembly
Be it resolved that the Triennial Delegate Assembly requests that the General Council share the Resolutions the TDA has passed concerning interaction with other Urantia related issues with those groups as well as internally to members of The Fellowship.