The Urantia Book Fellowship
5Ways The Urantia Book Will Enrich Your Life

    1. You will explore your relationship to the cosmos in which you live:
  • Learn about the evolutionary processes you're involved in, your destiny in a personal universe, and the spiritual resources at your disposal so that you can more successfully engage the challenges of your life.
    2. You will progress beyond metaphysical confusion and uncertainty:
  • Catalyze your intellectual life by assimilating The Urantia Book's elegant integration of science, philosophy, and religion— a coherent, deeply beautiful world view.
    3. You will become aware of important advances in philosophy, cosmology,
    and religious thought:
  • The Urantia Book is destined to exert a significant theological influence on world religions with its conceptually advanced cosmology. Be informed by personal experience.
    4. You will become more conscious of the value of your personal life:
  • Body? Mind? Soul? Personality? Spirit?—Become more fully alive by embracing the spiritual implications of being a growing person in an evolving personal universe.
    5. You will enjoy a treasure of religious literature:
  • The Urantia Book is a literary masterpiece. Treat yourself to a spiritual feast—feed your mind and feel the response of your soul.