Classpublic class Chart
InheritanceChart Inheritance fl.core.UIComponent
SubclassesCartesianChart, PieChart

Functionality common to most charts. Generally, a Chart object shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, a subclass with a concrete implementation should be used. That subclass generally should implement the IPlotArea interface.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined by
  dataProvider : Object
  dataTipFunction : Function
If defined, the chart will call the input function to determine the text displayed in the chart's data tip.
  defaultSeriesType : Object
When raw data (like an Array of Numbers) is encountered where an ISeries instance is expected, it will be converted to this default type.
  legend : ILegend
The component that will display a human-readable legend for the chart.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
Returns the ISeries object at the specified index.
Returns the index within this plot area of the input ISeries object.
Protected Methods
 MethodDefined by
Analyzes the input data and smartly converts it to the correct ISeries type required for drawing.
 StyleDescriptionDefined by
Type: Boolean
Determines if data changes should be displayed with animation. The default value is true.
Type: Class
Name of the class to use as the skin for the background and border of the component. The default value is ChartBackgroundSkin.
Type: Number
The padding that separates the border of the component from its contents, in pixels. The default value is 10.
Type: Class
Name of the class to use as the skin for the background and border of the chart's data tip. The default value is ChartDataTipBackground.
Type: Number
If the datatip's content padding is customizable, it will use this value. The padding that separates the border of the component from its contents, in pixels. The default value is 6.
Type: TextFormat
The TextFormat object to use to render data tips. The default value is TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0x000000, false, false, false, '', '', TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0).
Type: Boolean
Indicates whether embedded font outlines are used to render the text field. If this value is true, Flash Player renders the text field by using embedded font outlines. If this value is false, Flash Player renders the text field by using device fonts. If you set the embedFonts property to true for a text field, you must specify a font for that text by using the font property of a TextFormat object that is applied to the text field. If the specified font is not embedded in the SWF file, the text is not displayed. The default value is false.
Type: Array
The default colors for each series. These colors are used for markers, in most cases, but they may apply to lines, fills, or other graphical items.

An Array of values that correspond to series indices in the data provider. If the number of values in the Array is less than the number of series, then the next series will restart at index zero in the style Array. If the value of this style is an empty Array, then each individual series will use the default or modified value set on the series itself.

Example: If the seriesColors style is equal to [0xffffff, 0x000000] and there are three series in the chart's data provider, then the series at index 0 will have a color of 0xffffff, index 1 will have a color of 0x000000, and index 2 will have a color of 0xffffff (starting over from the beginning).

The default value is [0x00b8bf, 0x8dd5e7, 0xedff9f, 0xffa928, 0xc0fff6, 0xd00050, 0xc6c6c6, 0xc3eafb, 0xfcffad, 0xcfff83, 0x444444, 0x4d95dd, 0xb8ebff, 0x60558f, 0x737d7e, 0xa64d9a, 0x8e9a9b, 0x803e77].
Type: Array
The default size of the markers in pixels. The actual drawn size of the markers could end up being different in some cases. For example, bar charts and column charts display markers side-by-side, and a chart may need to make the bars or columns smaller to fit within the required region.

An Array of values that correspond to series indices in the data provider. If the number of values in the Array is less than the number of series, then the next series will restart at index zero in the style Array. If the value of this style is an empty Array, then each individual series will use the default or modified value set on the series itself.

Example: If the seriesMarkerSizes style is equal to [10, 15] and there are three series in the chart's data provider, then the series at index 0 will have a marker size of 10, index 1 will have a marker size of 15, and index 2 will have a marker size of 10 (starting over from the beginning).

The default value is [].
Type: Array
An Array containing the default skin classes for each series. These classes are used to instantiate the marker skins. The values may be fully-qualified package and class strings or a reference to the classes themselves.

An Array of values that correspond to series indices in the data provider. If the number of values in the Array is less than the number of series, then the next series will restart at index zero in the style Array. If the value of this style is an empty Array, then each individual series will use the default or modified value set on the series itself.

Example: If the seriesMarkerSkins style is equal to [CircleSkin, DiamondSkin] and there are three series in the chart's data provider, then the series at index 0 will have a marker skin of CircleSkin, index 1 will have a marker skin of DiamondSkin, and index 2 will have a marker skin of CircleSkin (starting over from the beginning).

The default value is [].
Property detail
dataProvider:Object  [read-write]

    public function get dataProvider():Object
    public function set dataProvider(value:Object):void
dataTipFunction:Function  [read-write]

If defined, the chart will call the input function to determine the text displayed in the chart's data tip. The function uses the following signature:

function dataTipFunction(item:Object, index:int, series:ISeries):String

    public function get dataTipFunction():Function
    public function set dataTipFunction(value:Function):void
defaultSeriesType:Object  [read-write]

When raw data (like an Array of Numbers) is encountered where an ISeries instance is expected, it will be converted to this default type. Accepts either a Class instance or a String referencing a fully-qualified class name.

    public function get defaultSeriesType():Object
    public function set defaultSeriesType(value:Object):void
legend:ILegend  [read-write]

The component that will display a human-readable legend for the chart.

    public function get legend():ILegend
    public function set legend(value:ILegend):void
Constructor detail
public function Chart()


Method detail
public function indexToSeries(index:int):ISeries

Returns the ISeries object at the specified index.

index:int — the index of the series to return

ISeries — the series that appears at the input index or null if out of bounds
protected function refreshSeries():void

Analyzes the input data and smartly converts it to the correct ISeries type required for drawing. Adds new ISeries objects to the display list and removes unused series objects that no longer need to be drawn.

public function seriesToIndex(series:ISeries):int

Returns the index within this plot area of the input ISeries object.

series:ISeries — a series that is displayed in this plot area.

int — the index of the input series