Interfacepublic interface ILayoutMode extends

Defines the properties and functions required for layout modes used by ILayoutContainer.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
layoutObjects(displayObjects:Array, bounds:Rectangle):Rectangle
The DisplayObjects in the input parameter will be positioned and sized based on a specified rectangle.
Method detail
public function layoutObjects(displayObjects:Array, bounds:Rectangle):Rectangle

The DisplayObjects in the input parameter will be positioned and sized based on a specified rectangle. There is no requirement that the display objects remain entirely within the rectangle.

Returns the actual rectangular region in which the laid out children will appear. This may be larger or smaller than the suggested rectangle. This returned value is expected to be used by container components to determine if scrollbars or other navigation controls are needed.

displayObjects:Array — An Array of DisplayObjects to be laid out.
bounds:Rectangle — The rectangular region in which the display objects should be placed.

Rectangle — The actual region in which the display objects are contained.