RMSF Sacred Circle/Worship Gathering
January 15, 2012
Come and be in the Presence with
the Urantian companions
of your mortal journey!
Bring food and uplifting thoughts to share!
January 15 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Journeys for Conscious Living
5855 Wadsworth Bypass
Building A, Suite 100
Arvada, CO 80003
and Wadsworth, right across from Gunther Tooties restaurant.)
For further information call 303-467-7858
RMSF-YAYA Special Event!

First Methodist Church - Boulder
Saturday Evening, January 14, 2010
5:30-9:00 PM
This event will be unique in that RMSF and the Youth and Young Adults (YaYA) are co-hosting it. About fifteen friends in their 20s and 30s from all over the country will be coming to Colorado for this weekend to participate in the Younger-Generations Mini-Conference, (info below) so this will be an opportunity for the local community to fellowship with them. We will begin with a potluck and then enjoy a light program with some of the young visitors.
First Methodist Church is conveniently located in central Boulder (1421 Spruce Street) and we have booked the parlor so that there will be plenty of space for a large group. The visiting group also plans to attend the Friday night study group at First Methodist and all are welcome to join us in going out for a bite afterwards.
We hope you can join us in ushering in the New Year on a spiritual note at this cheerful event!
Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!
Your brother, Mike MacIsaac
Phone: 720 648 9399
P.S. I am aiming to personally invite the 30+ young people that I have found thus far in the Front-Range area of varying degrees of interest in the UB and meeting young readers. Not just full-fledged ‘readers’ but anyone in their teens, 20s or 30s that are positively disposed to the book/community. I want to expand this list so please contact me if you know someone that might appreciate being invited to younger-generation gatherings. |

A Poem from Rabindranath Tagore
Day after day, O lord of my life, I shall stand before the face to face. With folded hands, O lord of all worlds, I shall stand before the face to face.
Under thy great sky in solitude and silence, with humble heart, I shall stand before thee face to face.
In this laborious world of thine, tumultuous with toil and with struggle, among hurrying crowds I shall stand before thee face to face.
And when my work shall be done in this world, O King of kings, alone and speechless I shall stand before thee face to face.

Younger Generations Weekend
Urantia Gathering
January 13-16, 2012 – Boulder
My wife, 16 month old daughter and I have been enjoying Boulder for a few months now. I am on paternity leave from teaching English and World Religions in Sweden till February, and I wanted to come to spend these months in Boulder partly due to hopes of moving here in the future. I spent many years focused on searching out and befriending young readers, organizing gatherings and extensive trips and so forth, so I know a lot of young readers and organized a younger-generations conference in Boulder in October 2011. A detailed description of it and a bunch more pictures can be found at ubyouth.org.
After that priceless inspiring event I heard from more friends expressing that they want to visit us in Boulder before we return to Sweden, so I couldn’t resist the urge to plan another mini-conference!
This gathering will be similar in many ways to the October one. One awesome development is that in the spirit of community teamwork, YaYA is co-sponsoring this event! (The Youth and Young Adult committee of the Fellowship – Urantianow.com). I’m really excited to have begun working with this dynamic team devoted to the younger generations.
Primary Goals and Themes of This Gathering
* Bonding, sharing, developing and strengthening friendships.
* Continue the discourse on fostering an expanding dynamic family of friends as well as potentials of community and developing ‘5th epochal culture’.
* Develop deeper understanding of, and inspiration for, cosmic living. Discussion of our spiritual lives and habits that favor spiritual growth. How do we increasingly go “the second mile of free service and liberty-loving devotion that betokens the Jesusonian reaching forth to grasp his brother in love and sweep him on under spiritual guidance…” in our lives? (P. 2084)
This will be a multi-venue gathering
Contact Mike MacIsaac for details
Phone: 720 648 9399
Spiritual growth is mutually stimulated by intimate association with other religionists. (1094.2) 100:0.2

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