News of and for the Rocky Mountain Spiritual Fellowship


San Geronimo Lodge, Taos
Easter Spiritual Renewal:
The Jesus Retreat, Taos, New Mexico
Taos, New Mexico—we'll be gathering at the beautiful San Geronimo Lodge spiritual retreat center, hosted by Charles Montgomery and Pamela Tyler from Thursday, March 29 through Sunday, April 1, 2012. Come and nourish your personal relationship with Jesus and some of your fellow travelers on the spiritual quest.
The theme of the gathering is "We are Sons and Daughters of God in Truth."
Josh Wilson will be performing at various times during the gathering and sharing insights on spiritual harmonics. (See below)
The price for this soul-rejuvenating retreat is only $268.00 plus tax. This includes 3 nights stay plus 9 meals and conference registration. Private rooms are available at extra cost for those who want to have privacy.
You can make your reservations by visiting the San Geronimo Lodge website or by calling directly at 575-751-3776. Maximum capacity is 50 individuals and bookings are going well so act soon if you wish to participate in this unique event.
For more information contact Diane Lebrecque. The final program will be posted soon on the United Urantia Family website.

Upcoming Colorado Booth Service Opportunities
Celebrations Metaphysical Fair
March 16-18
Denver Merchandise Mart, 58th and I25
The Urantia Booth and Art, Heart and Soul will be in the middle room near the Vortex stage, #310. For further information contact Shoshone at 720-621-2237 or Patrick at 208-610-2467. All helpers welcome!
11th Annual Spring Holistic Fair
Saturday, Sunday March 24, 25
Fort Collins
Great location with lots of free parking in charming downtown Fort Collins! Lynn and Patrick are managing this with the help of Jill K and Roxanne.
Northside Aztlan Community Center, 112 Willow Street, Fort Collins, Colorado. This is east of North College Ave and north of Jefferson/Riverside. Map and Directions
Admission: $5 one day ticket, $8 weekend ticket. Children 12 and under are free. $1 discount with non-perishable food donation. A 2-for-1 discount coupon is available on the sponsoring website.
Special thanks to the Urantia Book Fellowship and RUN (Reach Urantia Now) for supporting these events!
Lynn Goodwin and Christilyn Biek Larson working at the recent Evolve Expo

The International Spread of
The Urantia Book
You'll be amazed at how interest in The Urantia Book is spreading to far corners of the world!
Colorado's own Buck and Arlene Weimer will present an overview of the incredible work they're doing with the Fellowship's International Fellowship Committee. Don't miss this RMSF Quarterly Community Event!
Saturday, May 19th 6:00 - 9:30 PM
Potluck and Community Worship
First United Methodist Church
1421 Spruce Street
Boulder, CO 80302
For more information call Paula or Joann at 303-467-7858 |

Josh Wilson performing at IC'11 in Salt Lake City
Josh Wilson on Spiritual Harmonics
Josh Wilson literally had people leaping out of their seats at IC'11 with his virtuoso organ performances. He will be participating in the Easter Jesus Retreat (see above) in Taos.
Josh says, "It is with joy that I look forward to sharing the music of thoughts, emotions and spiritual harmonics at the San Geronimo Lodge. On Saturday evening of the Retreat and at various times we will enjoy together pastoral and beautiful sounds of the masters such as Mozart, Beethoven, Bach and Debussy in tune with new dawn and morontial awakening. From the piano we will explore together concepts of harmony from Pythagoras and the Greek muses, to classical and contemporary original composition.
"Question: What is an overtone? Think about it. We will talk when we meet. I look forward to sharing and getting to know each of you better."
Harmony is the speech of Havona. 44:1.15


Feeding Your Adjuster
What are you doing to facilitate the work of your Adjuster? Have you ever stopped to appreciate the comment that the Adjuster and the Spirit of Truth function amid and upon the ideas, ideals, insights and spirit strivings of the evolving sons of God? (101:1.3) Here we find a clear description of the environment--ideas, ideals, insights and spirit strivings--that we can consciously enrich to enable these spiritual agencies to function more effectively in our inner lives.
Ongoing personal education, contact with other religionists, engagement in service efforts and worship are key components of an active and progressive inner life which enrich the functioning of both the Adjuster and the Spirit of Truth. The fostering of these components needs to become a part of the routine of our daily lives as sure as eating and sleeping. We should consciously work to create ever more favorable conditions. |

Fellowship Executive Committee
Meeting in Boulder
The Executive Committee of the Urantia Book Fellowship will be holding its quarterly meeting in Boulder at the Flatirons Renaissance Hotel, April 27, 28 and 29. While Executive Committee meetings are not open to the readership there is a possibility of a social on Saturday night, April 28. Call Paula at 303-467-7858 for more information or watch your email for a further announcement.
The Flatirons Renaissance Hotel is at 500 Flatiron Boulevard in Broomfield, CO 80021. This is just off highway 36 between Boulder and Denver. |

The Fellowship's Triennial Delegate Assembly
An important Triennial Delegate Assembly TDA election meeting for the Rocky Mountain Spiritual Fellowship (RMSF) was held on March 3rd. Because 2012 is a TDA year, RMSF was required to elect a delegate and alternate who will represent our Urantia society at the Urantia Book Fellowship's TDA, to be held in Chicago this summer in conjunction with the Summer Study conference. John Hay will be our Delegate and Mary Jo Garascia is our Alternate Delegate. Both will attend the TDA and conference in Chicago this summer.
What is the TDA?
The Constitution of the Urantia Book Fellowship provides that 12 of its 36 member board, the General Council, will expire every three years. Each General Councilor (essentially the national leaders of the Fellowship) is elected to serve for a nine year term and these wiling and devoted men and women are elected by representatives from each of the local and autonomous Urantia Societies. These representatives are called Triennial Delegates and their meeting is the Triennial Delegate Assembly or TDA.
Every three years, one Delegate and one Alternate, are selected by the local Urantia Society to convene with Delegates and Alternates from each of the other Urantia Societies at the TDA. Urantia Book readers from around the country will submit applications to the TDA to be considered at candidates for election to the General Council and the TDA will vote to fill at least twelve seats on the Council and sometimes more in the event someone resigns. Once the new General Council is seated, it will elect a new executive board, called the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is comprised of 10 standing Committee Chair people and 5 officers; the President, Vice President, Secretary, Secretary General and Treasurer. Hence, the entire leadership of the Fellowship is ultimately the responsibility of the Triennial Delegate Assembly.
This assembly of delegates is the most important opportunity that local Urantia Societies have for direct impact and input into the work of The Urantia Book Fellowship. In addition to electing 12 (or more in some cases) General Councilors, the TDA also has an opportunity to bring resolutions forward from each society. The resolutions can be on any matter that a local society would like to see addressed, adopted or implemented by the General Council. These resolutions are discussed by members of the TDA and if they are affirmed by a majority vote of the TDA they are then passed on to the General Council to deliberate. If a resolution is sent on to the General Council, by the TDA, the Council must deliberate it.
While the General Council is not obligated to adopt these TDA resolutions, they are obligated to give them due process and consideration. This is another way in which the TDA has direct input into the General Council and hence the direction of the Urantia Book Fellowship.
Each society is required to confirm that both the Delegate and the Alternate have been duly elected to represent their respective society and both are also required to sign a statement that they have read the Urantia Book in its entirety. A good portion of the travel expenses incurred by the Delegate and Alternate to get to the TDA is paid by RMSF.

Directory of Regional Urantia Book Study Groups

Newsletter contents © Copyright 2012 David Kantor, All Rights Reserved