November 8, 2011

Evolve Expo: Come and Help Introduce People to
The Urantia Book—November 11-12
For the weekend of 11-11-11, the Rocky Mountain Spiritual Fellowship will be sponsored by the Urantia Book Fellowship to provide a Urantia outreach booth at the EVOLVE Expo, put on by Journeys for Conscious Living. Come and help spread the word!
The Denver Merchandise Mart., 451 East 58th Avenue #4270 Denver, Colorado 80216.
If you're interested in helping out at the booth, please contact Jo Ann at 303-467-7858.
You must register at the Evolve Expo Desk for admission. Download and Print free Evolve Expo pass. Bring this pass with you on Friday or Saturday. |
"Go, then, into all the world telling this good news to all creatures of every race, tribe, and nation." [193:1.2]
UrantiaBook Films Introduces Vimeo Urantia Channel
UrantiaBook Films, a business entity created by Eric Cosh and David Kantor to manage the Joshua ben Joseph project, has set up a Urantia Vimeo channel.
Initial offerings are from the "Exploring the Context of Michael's Bestowal" workshop at IC'11. A trailer for the Joshua ben Joseph project also is available.
Go to vimeo.com/urantia |
"Of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value is to know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it." [196:1.3]

Community Worship November 27 in Arvada
Our monthly worship and sacred circle will be happening at the Journeys for Conscious Living Center on Sunday, November 27th.
In keeping with the Thanksgiving season the theme is Gratitude.
Please bring something (a brief reading, song, thought or poem) to share with the circle. There is always a potluck meal afterwards so please bring a lunch dish to share.
Journeys for Conscious Living
Bldg. A, Suite 100
5855 Wadsworth Bypass
Arvada CO 80003
North-west side of Wadsworth, across from Gunther Tooties' restaurant.
For more information call Jo Ann at 303-467-7858. |
"Man's contact with the highest objective reality, God, is only through the purely subjective experience
of knowing him, of worshiping him, of realizing sonship with him." [196:3.18]
Summer Study Session 2010:
"Progressive Planetary Civilization"
Steve McIntosh will be a featured speaker at the 2012 Summer Study Session, August 1‒5, 2012, at beautiful Techny Towers, a conference and retreat center located in Chicago’s North Shore. |
The Education Committee of The Urantia Book Fellowship invites you to come and join them for the 2012 Fellowship Summer Study Session. Plans for the conference include a pre-conference retreat from Wednesday evening, August 1st through Friday morning, August 3rd. A pre-conference guided city tour of Chicago’s lakefront architecture is also available.
This event is being planned to encourage family participation. Prices have been kept as they were in 2010. There will be no registration fees for children under 18, and scholarships are available for families in order to bring costs down and encourage attendees to bring children or grandchildren. A special children’s program will be provided.
Additional information as well as conference registration and workshop proposal forms are available on the Education Committee website, www.urantia.education.org. |
"In the realm of religious experience, spiritual possibility is potential reality." [196:3.28]
Turkish Translation in Progress
UBSGNY is happy to announce that the first 17 papers of The Urantia Book have been translated into Turkish! Our translator is able to do about three papers a month at a cost of $500 for each paper. The UBSGNY is intent on keeping funds flowing for this important work and can use your support. Your tax deductible contribution will be most welcome.
Please help us if you can. Remember, every little bit helps. To donate, you can use Paypal or a credit card by going to the New York Society's website (WWW.Urantia-NYC.org ) and clicking on "Turkish Translation." Alternatively you can write a check payable to SGNY Translation Fund and mail it to: Turkish Translation, c/o Clark, 4 Horizon Rd. Apt. 1202, Ft. Lee, NJ 07024. We thank you for your interest and generosity.
If you have any questions, please contact our chair person, Eileen Laurence, (Laurence@concentric.net) |
"Some persons are too busy to grow and are therefore in grave danger of spiritual fixation." [100:1.2]

Upcoming Cultural Events
in the Front Range Region
"The progressive comprehension of reality is the equivalent of approaching God." [196:3.3]
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