The Urantia Book Fellowship

The Pipeline of Light

provides Urantia Books in all translations
to readers around the world.


To date, Pipeline books have been sent to:

Poland, Russia, Australia, Greece, Fiji, Brazil, England, Canada, Cuba, Bolivia, France, Guatemala, Peru, Ecuador, Guinea, Ghana, Romania, Kenya, Mexico, Bulgaria, India, Nigeria, Senegal, Costa Rica, Pakistan, Palestine, Chile, Ukraine, Israel, Argentina, El Salvador, Malaysia, Venezuela, Myanmar, Lithuania, and Colombia.

Can you help with this project?

The Pipeline of Light was founded in 2003 to address the enormous 
demand for The Urantia Book in countries where readers cannot afford 
them. There are places in the world where an entire study group may share
one book.  In one instance a group of seventy readers in South America
were sharing eleven books between them.  Groups of readers around 
the world are studying the revelation in extraordinary circumstances. 
How fortunate we are to be blessed with the resources to help them!

Here in the United States, where most of us could purchase books 
whenever we please, interest in the revelation grows slowly. 
Conversely, in countries where interest in The Urantia Book is growing 
by leaps and bounds, the price of the book may be several weeks wages. 
It is a sad fact that in countries where the annual per capita income 
is $1000 or less, the retail price of The Urantia Book may be two or 
three times what we pay in the states.

The Pipeline of Light project provides a flow of donated books in every 
available language to readers who can otherwise only dream of owning a 
copy of the revelation. 

All funds raised for the Pipeline of Light are used for books and 
shipping costs. 

Our average cost to send one copy of The Urantia Book anywhere in the 
world is $25.  

Will you contribute what you can today? Donations of any size 
help get Urantia Books placed around the world