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Alvin Kulieke

We have just concluded a study session wherein we considered particularly the Five Epochal Revelations on our world. Our Brotherhood is a voluntary and fraternal association of believers in The Urantia Book, and inasmuch as The Urantia Book is the Fifth Epochal Revelation we believe and trust that our organization is one that is the outgrowth and an innate part of this Fifth Epochal Revelation. Our function is a unique one in a unique situation. Few people on any world have the privilege of being associated with the beginning activities of any revelation. We have this privilege, and associated with it the responsibility, of acting with wisdom and circumspection, as we attempt to avoid any quick and drastic decisions. Regardless of what we do, this revelation I am sure will be carried to the world. We need to plan carefully though aggressively for the dissemination of the teachings of The Urantia Book, and so conduct the affairs of the Brotherhood that we do not hinder or delay the growth of this movement, but instead make steady, sure progress. During the past year we have seen a definite increase in Book sales, and in interest as is evidenced through letters, telephone calls, office visits, as well as through reports of other Urantians.

Throughout the year, the Executive Committee has met once a month and it seems that the meetings have been getting longer due to more discussions on various agenda items. Every month we receive reports of the activities of our nine committees through the chairmen. These of course are varied, with some giving extensive reports on certain months while others have "no report." Then each officer reports with the secretary, secretary general, and the vice-president discussing largely significant letters, phone calls, and visitors to the headquarters office. The president has used a vehicle called "Musings at Midnight," which consist of the cumulation of thoughts and experiences and possibly suggestions that have come to him during the month - usually jotted down at about midnight preceding the meeting. The treasurer regularly reports at the Urantia Brotherhood Corporation meeting which immediately follows the Executive Committee meeting. We read reports from our field representatives whenever they are submitted which is not infrequent. We appreciate the activity of these people and their reports.

The attendance at our Executive Committee meetings has been very good - usually all fourteen are present, and there is never any question about having a quorum. Occasionally, some member may be absent because of Urantia business elsewhere, such as the recent visit of our vice president to Oklahoma City. (Sounded to me as though it was one large party.)

With the items that come in at each meeting we are constantly studying our activities and progress, and keep searching for ways whereby we can improve our procedures, develop effective policies, and in general support and increase the sure, steady and appropriate growth of the Urantia movement as we continue to work in disseminating the teachings of The Urantia Book.

In reporting on activities in the headquarters office I should note that one of our office secretaries who had been paid partially by Dr. Sadler, since his death has had this portion of her salary assumed by the Brotherhood.

Officers, of course, do not receive pay and would not want to - though each one of them devotes many hours a week on Urantia Brotherhood work. Two people, however, are employed full time at headquarters with payment of their salaries shared by the Brotherhood and the Foundation. The Foundation has assumed the major share of this responsibility. There is presently need for additional part-time help in the offices - secretarial help largely. Our correspondence has increased appreciably, and too often we have used for typing letters the time of the two people which should be devoted to the completion of the Index. A great deal of time and work has been given by the two book custodians in handling the orders for books and the accounting connected with books going to bookstores. Our financial status needs to be improved in order to support and promote several activities such as these. Urantia headquarters has increasingly become a very busy place, and will continue to grow without limit. As has been said many times before, "This is big business," and I believe our studies the last two days have underlined this statement.

In order to strengthen our organization and stimulate its growth I believe that we will need to employ a full time field secretary - some individual who would be able to travel to visit study groups and societies as a representative of the Executive Committee and the General Council - the Urantia Brotherhood. I look for this to start as a part time activity for an experienced member of the Urantia Movement and supported by contributions from societies, study groups, and other interested individuals. I conceive of a set-up wherein the individual selected for this would be one who is possibly retired from secular work, and would therefore be available on call to visit a society or group of Urantians. I would expect that such activities would help the various groups and instill into each a greater sense of belonging, thus causing a greater sense of unity to exist throughout the various affiliates of the organization.

As stated before, when we can employ such an individual, this I am sure will signal a definite beginning of greater unity in our organization, and will lead to more concerted efforts on the part of Urantians in all parts of the country.

I believe that appropriate individuals are becoming available for this type of program. We should be expending greater efforts toward underwriting this position, even though we start it by simply paying traveling expenses for this field secretary. No one is getting old in our organization, but several have reached or are approaching the age when retirement can take effect. These are people whose time and experience, and knowledge of the Urantia teachings and activities, can be of great value to the Brotherhood. I would like to see a start made in this program as the details of it can be put into operation.

Only three years ago I suggested concern that we will no doubt be obliged to endure certain trials or tests. During Forum days, close to thirty years ago, after many people had come and gone because some became weary of waiting, we were told that we were experiencing the time test of delay. Many of us have passed this test, though some are still impatient because things are not moving fast enough. We need to remember the remark of a Melchizedek about Jesus: "He was never in a hurry. He controlled his enthusiasm; it never controlled him."

Then we were told of an additional test - that of unity - perhaps a more difficult test. Relative to this, I would like to use the certain words of Jesus, for I believe they are especially important to us.

"What I require of you, my apostles, is spirit unity - and that you can experience in the joy of your united dedication to the wholehearted doing of the will of my Father in heaven. You do not have to see alike or feel alike or even think alike in order spiritually to be alike. Spiritual unity is derived from the gift of the heavenly Father. Your apostolic harmony must grow out of the fact that the spirit hope of each of you is identical in origin, nature, and destiny.

"In this way you may experience a perfected unity of spirit purpose and spirit understanding growing out of the mutual consciousness of the identity of each of your indwelling Paradise spirits; and you may enjoy all of this profound spiritual unity in the very face of the utmost diversity of your individual attitudes of intellectual thinking, temperamental feeling, and social conduct. Your personalities may be refreshingly diverse and markedly different, while your spiritual natures and spirit fruits of divine worship and brotherly love may be so unified that all who behold your lives will of a surety take cognizance of this spirit identity and soul unity; they will recognize that you have been with me and have thereby learned, and acceptably, how to do the will of the Father in heaven. You can achieve the unity of the services of God even while you render such service in accordance with the technique of your own original endowments of mind, body, and soul.

"Your spirit unity implies two things, which always will be found to harmonize in the lives of individual believers: First, you are possessed with a common motive for life service; you all desire above everything to do the will of the Father in heaven. Second, you have a common goal of existence; you all purpose to find the Father in heaven, thereby proving to the universe that you have become like him." (P 1591.4, middle of par. to 192.2, incl.)

I believe in general we are doing quite well in maintaining unity. We have learned to keep open minds and adjust to new situations.

I had suggested a third test that was upon us - the possibility of becoming discouraged at the rate of dissemination of Urantia teachings that was less than our anticipated rate. Things were moving slowly three years ago. Today they are much accelerated as is evidenced by the greatly increased sale of books, now well into the third printing, which the increase in price has not slowed down.

There are many indications of increased interest in this Fifth Epochal Revelation. I am sure we will be beset by other problems, perhaps even multiplying as the interest grows. We are already concerned about the many strange cults and isms that are trying to attach themselves to this Urantia movement, just as we were told would happen. We must strive to use great wisdom in dealing with these situations. If we all remain patient, work toward unity, maintain our faith and love, and be optimistic, I believe we can resolve problems as they appear and endure any tests or trials successfully.

Some of the action taken by the Executive Committee during this last year include the following:

1. Correspondence with Societies and selection of the Advisory Committee recommended by the General Council a year ago.

2. Approval of a promotion brochure as prepared by the Domestic Extension Committee.

3. Development of policies concerning the sale of books to questionable groups, stores, and individuals after consultation with our attorney.

4. Approval of a charter for the Houston Urantia Society.

5. Approval of several applications for membership-at-large.

6. Purchase of a safe or vault in conjunction with the Urantia Foundation for the safe keeping in our records and archives.

Recently I read my report of August 4th 1968 and was impressed by the closing paragraph. I would like to use the same words in concluding this report.

As each of us has embarked upon the open seas of life's adventure, so has our Brotherhood set sail on a voyage of world enlightenment through this new revelation that has been given to the world. To those of us here principally has been entrusted the leadership of this venture. We have had some instructions, and the charts have to be refined or changed periodically. May we all work together in continued co-operation, utilizing our best judgment and combined wisdom in making those decisions that will keep our course consistently aimed toward the haven of ultimate world acceptance of the Urantia teachings.

Alvin L. Kulieke August 1, 1971

A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship