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Carolyn Kendall

The Fraternal Relations Committee has met during 1976-77 to consider three areas of activity:

1. We have revised the Speakers' Bureau outline of suggestions for URANTIA Societies. The committee drew up a plan a couple of years ago, and submitted it to the Executive Committee. Their suggestions have been incorporated into the new outline currently under review. It will be sent to societies for optional use in the future.

2. Excerpts have been compiled from Brotherhood and Foundation correspondence into a simple one page statement entitled, Relation of URANTIA Brotherhood and Teachings to the Religions of Mankind. When, or if, it is approved by the Executive Committee, it could be sent to inquirers whenever deemed appropriate by the headquarters staff.

3. A request went out, via the Brotherhood Bulletin, for reader recommendations of books on the World's Religions. Response has been moderately successful. (Writers seem to enjoy participating in this kind of activity.) Nearly all correspondents are telling us about the less well-known groups; the small sects and cults. We are not at the point where we can publish a reading list yet. Information is still too sketchy.

Your suggestions are welcome and. your participation is invited in the World Religions list preparation.

Carolyn Kendall, Chairman

A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship