August 9, 1980
Each month I send out notices of the meetings of the General Council and take the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of URANTIA Brotherhood Corporation. I also send out letters each year to obtain data for the official membership census, i.e. members of the societies and the members-at-large. A running total is kept and brought up to date at the end of each calendar year. When we approve a new member-at-large I write a letter to the new member and send one of our official membership cards.
Since we had a Triennial Delegate Assembly last year, there was some extra typing to be done relating to motions made at the meeting.
There is a small amount of filing to be done, and from time to time, a "special" project to undertake. As we grow we find new things to add to our list of things to be done.
Katharine J. Harries, Secretary
URANTIA Brotherhood
A Service of
Urantia Book Fellowship