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1982 Report of the Domestic Extension Committee
Harry McMullan

The past year has been an active and pleasurable one for our committee. The following projects have been worked on:

1. The study group questionnaire project was completed by David Kulieke, with the help of Cece Forrester, Mary Burton and Gerry Hahn.

2. A project to catalogue and assemble materials of interest to societies has been begun by David Kulieke.

3. A project directed by Tom Allen to place books in libraries is strongly underway, with 84 books either placed or in the hands of volunteers committed to placing them in libraries.

4. A report suggesting methods of increasing sales of URANTIA Books was completed by the undersigned.

5. Our committee is participating in the 1982 summer workshops with an excellent program designed by Mary Burton.

A fuller description of these activities was given in the most recent issue of the URANTIA Bulletin.

The committee would appreciate any comments by Councilors on two issues which will concern it in the upcoming year: How can we stimulate broader distribution of The URANTIA Book and, how can we help study groups? As to the latter, the problem is not only to foster new groups, but to help stabilize existing ones. We aren't making progress if we gain 15 new groups, but 16 of our existing groups fall apart for one reason or another. What can we do to give the study groups not associated with societies more of a sense of belonging to our fellowship?

I extend grateful thanks to David Kulieke, Gerry Hahn, Mary Burton, Cece Forrester and Tom Allen for their vork on the committee during the past year.

Respectfully sutmitted,

Harry McMullan, Chairman

A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship