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1982 Report of
The International Fellowship Committee to the
General Council of URANTIA Brotherhood
Martin Myers

Our Committee has seen significant developments since our last report to you.

The IFC sponsored a meeting at the Snowmass Conference in Colorado last year as well as hosted a reception for our international friends and other attendees where good fellowship and conversation prevailed.

In October, we met in Chicago as Christy's guests for a very meaningful two-day meeting. The Committee has continued to request the participation of advisors, this last meeting enjoying the happy presence of Mr. Jacques Dupont and Mr. Alain Le Corvec of Paris, France; Mr. Ron Louie of Vancouver, B. D., and Emmanuel Lou of Tahiti. Mr. Chick Montgomery, although unable to be present, sent a number of important proposals and was certainly with us in spirit as were a number of our French speaking friends from Quebec who were unable to be present. The first day Christy gave a sumptuous luncheon for us all and throughout our meetings added much to the festivities with her happy smile and good sense of humor.

Lynne Kulieke shared slides and stories of her recent experiences, including her trip to Spain, and this was augmented by Dick Prince's observations and shared experiences with Spanish-speaking groups. Barbara Kulieke also shared her ideas with the Committee regarding international publications. Frank Sgaraglino directed the Committee's attention to the more immediate realities of Brotherhood finances and fund raising.

One important discussion of the Committee centered on the policy of making gift books more readily available to our international readers. A copy of the explanatory memorandum offered to the Executive Committee is attached for your interest.

As a result of our discussions and following our meeting, the plan for actualizing international library book placement was further defined and it is now in place, ready to go, having been approved by the Executive Committee. A copy of the memorandum describing this program is attached for your information, although in the interests of brevity the memorandum's attachments are not. We expect this program largely to be implemented in full in the coming year. Study groups are increasingly evident the world over. Marvin Gawryn gave our Committee a most interesting overview of the developments in India, a country with a rich non-Judeo-Christian religious heritage and an ever increasing manifestation of a deep religious thirst. There are now at least seven study groups there, with a total of thirty-five participants, twenty-one of them of Hindu background.

One of the biggest events this year was the announcement of the renewed availability of the French translation. There is already a great flurry of activity in many French-speaking areas including Quebec, France, Belgium, and Tahiti. More information on study groups will be available at this summer's IFC workshop program.

In closing this report, I should like to express our appreciation and gratitude to Christy for all she did in her life of ninety-two years, faithfully carrying out her trust, helping to insure that The URANTIA Book would be available to all peoples of the world. Christy was especially eager that we make our own home available for the meetings of the International Fellowship Committee, always interested in hearing our deliberations and sharing fellowship with each of the attendees. We will sorely miss her, but now will rededicate ourselves to the grand task before us which she was instrumental in helping so literally to make possible.

As my term both as member and Chairman of this Committee is expiring, this will constitute my sixth and last report to you as Chairman. Notwithstanding the apparent difficulties and misunderstandings encountered in the administration of this office, it has been an unqualified honor and pleasure to have so served. No Committee could have done all that we did were it not graced with dedicated members and advisors to each of whom I give now my sincere and hearty thanks. The growth in our Committee, and I believe it is positioned better than ever before to carry on effectively in assisting with the international dissemination of the teachings of The Urantia Book.

The International Fellowship Committee of URANTIA Brotherhood

BY: Martin W. Myers As its: Chairman

A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship