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Marian Rowley

The duties of the Secretary-General remain the same, but the volume of work increases each year. Correspondence this last year has increased to a considerable degree, with the bulk of the letters asking how the person can contact other readers and study groups, with the second highest number from those who have seen or heard of the book and want to know how they can get it. It is a great help to have form letters on these subjects on our memory machine and of course the replies are adjusted to fit special cases.

Because our meeting this year is much earlier than last year, the demographic profile as of June 30 cannot be presented, but I will cover some of the things you may be interested in.

The number of societies is still 13, with no new group ready for a charter. number of society members has increased from 644 to 677 from June 30 to the present, and we have 188 members-at-large, making a total of 865 Brotherhood members. Twenty-four of these are international.

The personnel for the Brotherhood has not changed in the last year. There are four paid employees:

John Hales, Resident Director June Moritz - Secretary Gloriann Harris - Accountant (part-time) Anna Rawson (retired)

We have lost Christy as one of our volunteers, but we still have the following:

Marian Rowley Secretary-General Helen Carlson Book Orders Edith Cook - Treasurer Russell Sedlar, Shipping and anything else we want done.

We also have other volunteers who come in occasionally to help get out large mailings such as the Bulletin and solicitation letters.

The mailing list is increasing steadily and now numbers about 3300. The Journal subscription list goes up and down and now numbers about 500. We keep getting new subscriptions, but many fail to renew their subscriptions so the count fluctuates. We have a very mobile population and it takes a great amount of time to keep both lists up to date with additions, deletions, and changes.

In spite of much routine drudgery work, this seems to me to be the most interesting office in the organization.

Marian Rowley,Secretary General

A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship