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1983 Report of The International Fellowship Committee to the
General Council of URANTIA Brotherhood
Berkeley Elliott

The International Fellowship Committee held a meeting November 12-14, 1982 in my home in Oklahoma City. The following members attended:

Julia Fenderson, Mary Snider, Richard Prince, Marvin Gawryn and Marian Rowley, ex officio. Hazel Cunningham was absent. Guests included Thomas Kendall and Martin Myers of the URANTIA Foundation; Douglas Fraser, Houston, TX (formerly of Bogota); and Dale & Gloria Hall, Bogota, Colombia, South America.

We met Friday evening and Saturday all day, then had a social with our Oklahoma Society members Saturday evening. Julia Fenderson shared her "Study Groups around the World" with us. A recommended draft was approved to submit to the Executive Committee of the Brotherhood and the URANTIA Foundation for consideration regarding a Committee (Douglas Fraser, Chairman, Richard Prince and Martin Myers) to proceed with suggested plans for a Spanish translation of The URANTIA Book. These plans were approved by the Executive Committee and the URANTIA Foundation and are now underway -attempting to make a selection of the translator.

Julia Fenderson, with help from Charles Montgomery, is doing an extensive survey of International readers and study groups, plus a library placement project. These results are looking very promising.

Mary Snider secured bids on translating 5 brochures into Spanish and French. After approval by the Executive Committee and the URANTIA Foundation, the translating was done and is now being checked by Spanish and French speaking URANTIA Students, prior to printing.

Our International guests at the Intensive Summer Seminar will share their Country's culture - with emphasis on prayer and worship. We will have an IFC meeting on Friday after the Seminar with all International guests invited to attend.

I want to express deep appreciation to Martin Myers, former Chairman of this Committee; Marian Rowley and John Hales, from headquarters; my Committee members; and the entire Executive Committee for their assistance and tolerance this past year.


International Fellowship Committee

Berkeley Elliott, Chairman

A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship