Each year seems to get busier, as it should because we're growing, but the type of work remains the same. A great many letters indicate that people have been reading the book for some time and now want to contact other readers in their area. Fortunately, we have a system where we can check this fairly quickly and give a reference, sending a copy of the letter to the person whose name is being given. The next highest number of letters come from people asking how they can get the book. We have form letters to cover all of these on our memory machine, which can be altered to fit special cases.
The number of societies is still 13, but as Charter will report there is one other group nearing the end of its trial period. The number of society members has increased from 677 at this time last year to 692 and we have 199 members-at large, making a total of 891 Brotherhood members. Twenty-seven of these are international.
We have four paid employees (three active and one retired). We added one during the past year. They are:
John Hales Resident Director June Moritz Secretary Dawn Kabakoff - Clerical/Book Orders, French Anna Rawson (retired)
Gloriann Harris, accountant, is an independent contractor.
We also have the following volunteers:
Marian Rowley - Secretary-General Helen Carlson - Book orders, English Russell Sadlar, Shipping and anything else we want done.
There are also other dedicated volunteers who come in occasionally to help get out large mailings such as the Bulletin and solicitation letters.
The mailing list is increasing steadily and now numbers about 3500, up about 250 from last year. The Journal subscription list goes up and down and now numbers almost 700. Many people fail to renew their subscriptions, but we keep getting new subscriptions so we do not fall behind. We have a very mobile population and it takes a great deal of time to keep both lists up to date with additions, deletions, and changes. Dawn and June both help on the mailing list.
Another project I handle is the receipt, recording, and depositing of all money which is received, with the exception of a small amount which goes directly to the Foundation. In addition, I handle the sale and records of the Concordexes, Study Aids for Part IV, and carrying covers for the book.
Some of the work is just routine drudgery, but some of it is interesting and exciting. I sometimes feel that I am at the hub of the wheel and I wouldn't be anywhere else.
Marian Rowley, Secretary-General
MTR 4/27/83
A Service of
Urantia Book Fellowship