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Lynne Kulieke

In the past year the Education Committee has primarily devoted its energies to the organization of the 1988 Intensive Study Seminar to be held in June at Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Illinois. We have attempted to improve on past seminars by making a number of fine-tuning adjustments in the pre-conference process, including the provision of study questions and study group leader guidelines for all participants.

We anticipate that this series of seminars will be completed in 1992 and are presently developing plans for another series to follow. In conjunction with this endeavor, we have also invited participants to offer their reflections on their role at such seminars and other related activities of URANTIA Brotherhood. Their thoughtful contributions will provide the base for another pamphlet similar in form to that already existing on small group leaders.

The Education Committee has also initiated review of the Visiting Teacher project with an eye to meeting the needs and desires of isolated readers of The URANTIA Book who have expressed an interest in hosting visitors in order to share ideas on the teachings. It is possible that this project may be realized in cooperation with the newly proposed field representative program. Finally, the Education Committee has been asked by President David Elders to consider the possibility of the development of a center for activities for readers of The URANTIA Book. Thus we have begun discussion among ourselves on this subject.

Mindful of the admonishment in the Book regarding the status of education as an institution on Urantia, we are agreed, first and foremost, that the Book must be consulted at every turn as we make plans so that Urantia Brotherhood does not try to put new wine into old wineskins. We believe that we must indeed make every effort to find new ways to think about school, teachers, and the learning process as a whole before we implement any plan so far-reaching in its consequences.

Thus, it is our hope that other standing committees and members of the General Council will wish to engage with the Education Committee in long and serious dialogue concerning such a project so that as an organization we conform with the evolutionary plan for the universes of time and space growth through experience enhanced by revelation. On behalf of the members and associates of the Education Committee, I most sincerely thank the General Council for this wonderful opportunity for service.

Submitted by Lynn B. Kulieke, Chairman, Education Committee

Barbara Dreier
Joycee Henrion
Lynne B. Kulieke, Chair
Marjorie Reed, Secretary
Betty Zehr
Ralph Zehr

John Andrews
Helen Carlson
Mary Daly (retired)
Adrienne Jarnagin
Douglas Parker
Jeffrey Wattles

A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship