Marilynn Kulieke
To: General Council of URANTIA Brotherhood
From: Marilynn Kulieke
Re: 1988-89 Report from the Vice President
During the past year I was assigned to work on three resolutions from the Council. In response to Resolution 10, Lynne Kulieke, Dan Massey and I wrote a letter to the Foundation inviting the Trustees to attend General Council meetings. The Trustees declined to attend, feeling that their presence would not serve the deliberative process of either the Council or the Foundation. They thanked us for our considerate offer. Resolution 8, improving interaction among URANTIA Societies, was reassigned to Domestic Extension since their work on a survey to URANTIA Societies and the Society Conclave directly related to the intent of this resolution. Finally, for Resolution 3, the nominating subcommittee of the Executive Committee suggested that we contact Brotherhood members asking them if they have an interest and would commit to serving on Brotherhood committees. There was general agreement in the Executive Committee that this was a good idea and would aid in finding qualified people who are interested in serving on various Brotherhood committees. The specifics of this plan have not been determined.
Over the past year there has been discussion about the need to review the joint mailing list policy for URANTIA Foundation and Brotherhood. John Hay and I have been working on this project. Since the development of policy is the domain of the General Council, the Executive Committee has recommended the following for the approval of the Council.
A mailing list subcommittee of URANTIA Brotherhood/Foundation be formed for the short term purpose of developing a policy statement on the use of the computerized data base in terms of Brotherhood, Foundation, Society, Study Group and individual usage. This policy statement would guide the development of office procedures which are consonant with the policy.
It is recommended that the subcommittee will be comprised of Gloriann Harris, Martin Myers, Frank Sgaraglino, Polly Friedman, John Hay, Marilynn Kulieke, Brent St. Denis and Michael Painter (Director of Reader Services UB).
We are in the beginning stages of planning a celebration for the work and efforts that office staff have made to create a more professionally organized office. This celebration will take place in September before the Executive Committee meeting begins. It is hoped that this effort will help show our appreciation for the increased efforts that have been made to create a fully functional central office staff.
As a part of URANTIA Brotherhood Corp, John Hay, Gard Jameson, Jim Johnston and myself have been appointed to the Sales Agency Oversight Committee. This committee will oversee the sales agency function for the Corporation. The committee has met several times and has begun to develop plans to oversee the Sales Agency.
I feel that it has been a great year for the Executive Committee. The
commitment of so many individuals acting together to advance the work of the
Brotherhood has been really exciting for me. It has been a great privilege to
serve with this group.
A Service of
Urantia Book Fellowship