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Gard Jameson

Contribution Report: To date Urantla Brotherhood has raised $70,300. Total budgeted contributions for 1989 are $362,000. Based upon year-to-date results and special donor commitments, it is anticipated that annual contributions will be somewhere between $300,000 and $350,000 by year end. Donor support was strong at the beginning of the year but has tapered off to more historic levels of giving. Of concern to the Finance Committee is the fact that of the projected $350,000 of contribution revenue, $200,000 represents special donations which are not necessarily recurring. We have been blessed to have had such support during these transitional times. It is however not wise to continue to base budgets upon such support. Please note that in 1989, of the $305,000 that was raised over $200,000 was from special donors. Without the help of our special donors our contributions are more realistically around $100,000 to $150,000 annually.

As you can see from the Contribution Report above it appears that the organization will have enough contributions in 1990 to support raising such funds in future periods. Our support and provision of programs and activities needs to take into account the reality of limited resources.

Finance Committee Recommendations: During its annual meeting in October the Finance Committee made the following recommendations to the Executive Committee:

1) evaluate office functions and services, 2) study personnel costs for performing these functions, 3) study office functions that might be decentralized or relegated to societies or area coordinators, 4) Implement volunteer staff program at central office, 5) appoint a staff member to function as a fundralser, 6) keep the proposed budget in effect during transition with close monitoring as to fiscal performance for the first six months of 1990, 7) develop an updated budget at that time to reflect current operating assumptions, 8) table the membership fee consideration (you may recall that a survey was done last August to assess the viability of a fee) during the transition period. Consider adding a voluntary membership fee on the pledge card which reflects the costs of being a member, ie., mailings and associated costs.

1990 should be viewed as a transitional year. By the end of 1990, It is critical that the bearings of the organization be set and that there be a realistic appraisal of its ability to support the course that it is setting for itself. This involves taking some of the above recommendations into consideration as it prepares itself for 1991 and future years. Strategic Plan: The new strategic plan that is in the process of being developed is a bold step forward for the organization; one that is viewed by the Finance Committee as necessary in assessing the organization's programmatic priorities and allocating its resources toward the achievement of those programs. The strategic plan is viewed as vital in the process of creating stability for the organization.

Response to Urantia Foundation's Special Report: The Foundation made numerous allegations in its report regarding financial matters. The attached memo represents a response to those allegations.

Building Report: The office at 529 Wrightwood was secured in early April. We have arranged financing through a local financial Institution. Once again, we have a group of special donors to thank for helping us secure and finance our new home.

The 1989/1990 period has been a most trying time for all of us. We now have a real opportunity to look at and plan ways to accomplish our stated purposes. They are lofty purposes and there is much work to be done. The Finance Committee stands ready to assist in supporting the fulfillment of those purposes.

Respectfully submitted,

Gard Jameson, Chair
Committee Members: Marta Elders, Bart Ice, Melissa Wells, Dan Tyler. Adjunct: Chuck Burton.

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The Urantia Book Fellowship