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Harry McMullan

Each fall, the Finance Committee is charged with submitting a budget. With a severe crunch in prospect, last October we proposed, and the Executive Committee approved, painful budget reductions of over $100,000/year. This action put us in line with the financial reality that "living separately" has its costs. 

Having submitted that budget, it become the Committee's obligation to solicit the contributions it contemplated. This year, as you know, instead of the usual fund-raising letters, General Councilors and Finance Committee members personally contacted 1,800 individuals viewed as likely to want to help us. This more personalized approach has been much more time-consuming, but it is perhaps the only way for us to raise the $285,000 we will need to support our outreach and operations. 

The response thus far has been gratifying in terms of new contributors, and so far this year we have raised more than we have spent. Whether we are doing well enough is difficult to say. This is due to two reasons: First, seasonal differences. The first and fourth quarters are traditionally our best months. Second, the ability and willingness of our large contributors to give has an overwhelming impact on our total funding picture -- literally one or two of such gifts makes all the difference in a particular quarter. 

Unfortunately, we have yet to convince the broad readership to feel responsible for financially supporting the Brotherhood/ Fellowship. Contributions from a very, very few individuals have always subsidized our needs, which has made their goodwill critical to our survival. Several members of this group give every year to the point of pain. 

The Finance Committee's first responsibility, of course, is to raise the funds necessary to support our operations. We also view it as imperative that we broaden our financial base. Even though we are more than grateful for our large contributors, none of us view it as healthy or desirable to be so dependent on such a small group. Just two or three dollars/week from each of our members and active readers would cover all of our anticipated expenses. The Finance Committee is trying to foster that situation, so far with only modest success. 

To close on a positive note, when the Fellowship purchased our headquarters at 529 Wrightwood, it was enabled to do so because six individuals committed to contribute $5,000/year for five years over and above their "normal" contributions. We are pleased to report that since last summer, five new members have joined this group. (The original six are still holding solid, as well.) 

Respectfully submitted,


Harry McMllan, Chairman

Chuck Burton, Member

Marta Elders, Member

Paul Knott, Member

John Lange, Member

Melissa Wells, Member