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with report of Expo booth activity
Mo Siegel and Paula Thompson


The Domestic Extension Committee moved full throttle into 1993. It appears that the Urantia movement accelerated and we like to service those leading the way. We are fully prepared to serve second milers and new readers in this important work of expanding truth to the world. 

So far 1992-1993 has been a fruitful year for Domestic Extension Committee projects. Thanks to the help of Committee members, the General Council, the Executive Committee, The Fellowship staff, and our many reader volunteers, we have accomplished and are accomplishing the following: 

New Members to Domestic Extension Committee--We are happy to announce the addition of two new members to the Domestic Extension Committee. They are Ann Garner from Arlington Texas and Marlene Chicoine from Los Angeles. We are delighted to have two such highly motivated and dedicated individuals on our team. Welcome Ann and Marlene! 

Area Coordinators --The Area Coordinator program continues to be one of the most viable forms of networking we have. The role Area Coordinators play in our communities dovetails perfectly with our outreach projects. It is invaluable to have these trusted individuals in place for new readers. So far this year, not including Paul Knott's visits, we have spoken to each Area Coordinator personally by phone and are now in the process of doing another round. We are also planning an international meeting of Area Coordinators at 3:00 PM Monday July 31, 1993 in Montreal at IC 93. 

1992-93 Study Group Directory -- The directory, our most popular ongoing project, is now in process and will be available for distribution at IC 93 (they will be inserted into each conference registration packet). We will also be sending multiple copies to study groups listed in the directory as well as all Area Coordinators, General Councilors and Society Officers. There are more than 320 listings world-wide in this year's edition plus a complete listing of Area Coordinators. 

The Outreach Booth Project--. The Urantia booth will be at seven Whole Life Spiritual Expos this year supported by The Fellowship, Jesusonian Foundation, and local area readers. The Fellowship has also agreed to fund Ann Garner's trips to the shows to help facilitate. Ann and Paula Thompson (both members of Domestic Extension Committee) have presented free lectures at the last four shows. These Expos continue to be an effective vehicle of outreach both for readers and non-readers alike. They have also served to inspire several groups of readers around the country to do outreach booths on their own initiative.

Training Of Teachers,-- Each show is preceded by a kick-off meeting which includes a training seminar. Volunteers who have never worked at a booth for The Urantia Book are required to attend. At this meeting we cover topics such as creative listening, answering difficult questions like "Who wrote the book?", techniques for responding to questions, and the principles and motives of outreach. We also share our personal experiences with outreach and discuss what has worked and what hasn't. We always end the meeting with a reading of the Master's "Instructions for Teachers and Believers", as well as a prayer for divine guidance in our efforts to share the book with others. 

Study Group Leaders Conference,-- In March, Marlene Chicoine planned and executed the first annual Study Group Leaders Conference in California. The conference was well attended and a great success. All who attended the conference felt it was of benefit and they are looking forward to doing it again next year. 

The Study Group Herald --The third edition of The Herald was published in March of 1993. The fourth edition is in the final stages of production and will be distributed soon. Area Coordinators have told us The Study Group Herald is an effective method for study groups to communicate ideas and concerns with each other. We are certain it will become more valuable to study groups as time goes on. Many thanks to Martin Greenhut and all of his tireless volunteers who have helped with this worthwhile project. 

Phone Message Program --The phone program ran in the Denver/Boulder area again this year for nine months. As the program continues we refine old messages and explore new topics for our ads. In September we will start up again with more thought provoking ads. 

New Reader Introductions --So far this year Domestic Extension has sponsored speakers at eight public introductions to The Urantia Book, which had an overall attendance of 375 people having little or no experience with the book. These talks were well attended and well received. 

In our Heavenly Father's service and grateful for the opportunity,

Mo Siegel


The Domestic Extension Committee Members:

Peggy Douglass, Secretary

Paula Thompson

Marlene Chicoine

Ann Garner

Paul Knott



1993 Urantia Booth Outreach Update

by Paula Thompson


It's only June and already we have done four Expos in four cities including Pasadena, New York, San Francisco and Santa Fe. Thanks to the increased support of The Fellowship and local area readers we are touching thousands more people with the gift of revelation. 

We have also added the incredible talents of Ann Garner to our booth outreach. She is a gifted speaker and a dedicated second miler. It has truly been a blessing to be have Ann's help and inspiration at the booth. 

We have requested and received lecture time at every expo we've done. Ann and I have given four introductory talks on The Urantia Book to over 200 people. In both Pasadena and New York we experienced a rush of people to the booth after our lecture that was nearly overwhelming. 

We have distributed the following free literature:


905 Origins (Sprunger brochure)

507 Spiritual Perspectives For a New Era (Sprunger brochure)

916 Introductions (full color brochure by Jesusonian)

4,400 Mustard Seed brochures

150 Why I Believe The Urantia Book (Harry McMullen)


We have sold the following books:


7 0 Urantia Books

19 Concordex

9 Paramony

7 0 Life After Death Magazines

 So far this year our booth has been seen by over 100,000 people and of those we have had the opportunity to speak one on one to nearly 1,800. 

It is always deeply touching to see the devotion and enthusiasm displayed by the readers who volunteer to work at the booth. We've had a total of 81 diligent volunteers to work at these four shows. Many friendships arise and spontaneous study groups develop as a result of the booth camaraderie. 

The real rewards of booth outreach come from having been able to satisfy the truth hunger of sincere seekers. Like the woman in New York who wanted to know if God would let her choose not to survive. She was sincerely worried about reincarnation and honestly didn't want to come back to this world again. When I told her that The Urantia Book teaches that we don't come back here she sighed and said, " I really like what you folks have to say, when are you coming back to New York ?" Another individual, a new age minister who had attended the introduction, cried as he bought his book saying, "I've just waited so long." We talked to a woman (an Expo exhibitor) in Pasadena who loved The Urantia Book concepts but didn't buy a book. We saw this same woman at the New York Expo, she excitedly ran up to the booth to buy a book and exclaimed, "I've fallen in love with a man I just met in Hawaii. You won't believe it, he's a Urantia Book reader." The stories go on and on. 

Thank you sincerely for your support of this worth while outreach!