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President's Annual Report to the General Council and Membership
Janet Farrington Graham
July 13, 1998

During the past year we have made significant progress in our comprehension of diversity. We have endeavored to illuminate and articulate the reality and beauty of the Father's plan. We believe that an embrace of diversity will deepen our creativity, expand our vision, temper our emotions, and challenge us to dismiss fear as we move into the world, revelation in hand. An embrace of diversity requires that we open our minds and hearts to those who disagree with us as well as to those who agree. We feel so moved by our understanding of the Father's plan that we have sincerely encouraged even those with whom we have significant disagreements to work with us as teammates and friends.

We are all in partnership with the revelators, with the angels, and with the spiritual administration of this world. We understand that our brothers and sisters are called to serve in ways that may seem foreign or even foolish from our limited personal perspectives; in ways that may even seem threatening to some. But we are advised to "fear not" by the Master. We know that our small, halting steps are matched stride for stride by our unseen friends, that partnership means we manifest only one part of the unfolding. Our halting steps are half-steps by design. When we elevate our perspective to embrace the seen and the unseen, the global and the cosmic, we realize that every task, every unique, creative, experimental effort to share our beloved revelation either succeeds with the aid of the angels or fails without it. We are not required to judge the dissemination efforts of the other, but to joyously encourage, willingly support, and wisely advise our brothers and sisters as they engage in the service to which they feel called.

During the past year the Fellowship has continued to engage in new and creative efforts to share the revelation with the world. Thousands of people in dozens of countries have discovered and studied the revelation through our website; we seek to reach as many people in as many languages as possible. We have actively encouraged alternative dissemination methods designed to attract truth seekers, solitary readers, families, and friends from all walks of life. We continue to support conferences, expos, fairs, tours, and international activities with financial and human resources.

We are learning that the Fellowship's unique identity evolves from the unique personality of each member, and that our organization gains both wisdom and strength when we embrace the full spectrum of believers and readers. We have committed ourselves to a more proactive method in seeking others to serve with us, a more open and simplified approach to building membership and providing service. We are realizing the fundamental value of relationship; of learning the lessons of teamwork, of engaging in cosmic problem solving with those who hold diverse views. And yes, we have a long way to go before we can celebrate success.

In the coming year the work of the Fellowship will likely progress in three main areas. We will develop our plan for bringing the revelation to the far corners of the planet, and prepare to offer meaningful service to the resulting new students; we will provide opportunities for believers to become teachers and for readers and their families to build personal relationships within our growing community; and we will seek creative solutions to the complex issues that have challenged our movement since its infancy.

These challenges seem, at times, insurmountable and we have utilized secular and materialistic solutions out of desperation, solutions that promise resolution but seem only to spend our goodwill and community resources with little result. During the coming year we will endeavor to find transcendent solutions, interpretations of law and purpose designed to support an epochal revelation, solutions that foster a unified community freely disseminating an inviolate text. The discovery of these solutions will take time and a great deal of patience from readers and believers in every organization dedicated to revelation service. The old ways of thinking are slowly changing, but each one of us must personally choose to dismiss fear and depend on love if we sincerely desire success.

Love is more than a spiritual attitude; love is a mandate from the Master. To Nathaniel and the apostles during their ordination he said, "My messengers must not strive with men, but be gentle towards all. Measure for measure shall not be your rule. The rulers of men may have such laws, but not so in the kingdom; mercy always shall determine your judgments and love your conduct."

If we are to progressively embrace our role as messengers of the fifth epochal revelation, love must determine our conduct. Always. We can hold beliefs, offer opinions, interpret law but our actions must be determined by love. Jesus lived the highest expression of love on Urantia because he gave his life for his enemies as well as his friends. Within each of us resides the greatest manifestation of love in the universes--our Thought Adjusters. With this divine reality in mind, we can be confident that solutions to these complex challenges are within reach. And we can be certain that every progressive step we take paves the way for the sons and daughters who will follow in this work.

The coming year promises to be one of opportunity and growth as we face the known and the unknown realities of revelation service. It is a great privilege to serve with each of you.

In fellowship,

Janet Farrington Graham

A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship