ANNUAL REPORT 2004



The approval last February of additional funds to uplift the Mighty Messenger was a real inspiration for this committee and has resulted in a whole new look for this newsletter.  The new cover design in blue and white with color photographs throughout the issue creates a look that sparkles with energy.  See the attached pdf file for a look at the proposed design.


Special thanks go to committee member, Joe Liszka, who initiated the design process and donated the cost of getting it done.  Layout and printing will be handled by committee member Sage Waitts, who also does the layout and design for The Fellowship Herald.  It is to be hoped that readers will be inspired to send in more information and photographs to be included in future issues. The upcoming issue of the Mighty Messenger is expected to be double the usual size, as there is so much to report.  It’s been a busy year, and the tempo will only increase as The Fellowship prepares for IC05.


Meanwhile, as always, we need articles for the Herald as well.  Most readers have a special interest in some aspect of the book, and we need articles that express different views and concepts. We will be happy to work with anyone who has an idea but lacks confidence in their ability to express it.


At this time, we are looking to fill a vacancy on the committee.  If you know of anyone who may be interested, please contact me.




Linda Buselli

Committee Chair